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…..it was one of those mornings when you wake up…..look outside…..and you heart stops and drops…..

I looked out my bedroom window just in time to see Brave run to a screeching stop…..and suddenly lay down…..with his nose in the dirt…..


…(notice the dirt on his side from laying down)…

…..this is NOT his normal behavior…..Not At All…..!…..

In the amount of time it took me to find my shoes…..he had gotten back up…..trotted to the other side of the pasture…..and dramatically laid down again…..

…..over the years I’ve discovered that I can still move quickly when necessary…..while fighting down dry-heaves & bile (that usually accompany running to the pasture for some animal in distress)…..

This morning it was Brave’s turn to make me hurl…..

When he saw me…..he stood up and came immediately to me when I got through the gate…..

…..for being such an evasive stallion…..when the going gets tough…..he runs to us…..

I did the cursory analysis…..(my ear to his side in front of his hip bones)-(listening for gut sounds)…..

He wasn’t too thrilled about me pressing my thumb into his gums (checking for blood re-fill time)…..he was ultimately okay with my new stethoscope held to his gut…..

Finley was predictably & thoroughly obnoxious throughout…..

Brave  &  Finley

Borborgymi is what I was listening for…..(say that one five times fast)…..

…..borborgymus is the sound of motility in the digestive tract…..(***Definition***)…..

(FYI…Horses Can’t Throw-Up Or Burp…)

…..also known as gut-gurgles…..and some should be present…..

…..I couldn’t hear ANY…..Not Good…..

Brave has only colicked once before…..in a similar situation…..

…..the day after spraying an herbicide for weeds (stinging nettles & night shade to be specific)…..

…..and guess what we just did the day before THIS colic!?!

BUT…..we used a product called GrazonNext (both times)…..

…..and it’s advertised as being immediately safe for pastures with livestock…..(?)…..


Brave  &  Finley

I hate night shade and nettles…..but I hate herbicides more…..

…..no one else seems to be reactive to this herbicide…..maybe Brave has an allergy like peanuts or seafood…..(?)…..I don’t know…..

…..but fool me once…..shame on you…..fool me twice…..

Next year…..I’ll leave the damned weeds…..(or maybe try a blowtorch or salt or something less damning)…..

…..as a post-script…..this morning Brave is fine…..my stomach-lining is worse for the experience…..

Brave  &  Me

…..Brave’s too much of a cool dude and too valuable to risk using this stuff again…..

I just wanted you to know…..just in case you have a delicate horse too…..






#herbicide #grazonnext #colic #gutsounds #borborgymus #stethoscope #dryheaves

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