~~~Cccold To The Bone~~~

~~~Cccold To The Bone~~~

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It’s not one of the coldest days…..

…..but it’s that damp kind of cold that just seeps right into your joints and settles there…..

…..the type that makes a shiver snake up and down your spine the entire day…..

Maybe it’s because the clothes that you buy in Florida look like winter clothes, but aren’t actually warm like real northern winter clothes…..

…(me in one of my many winter flannel shirts)…

…..if they were…..we’d normally pass out in a puddle of sweat from heat stroke…..

…..except for days like today…..

There’s a slow drizzle…..and sometimes a spitting rain…..

…..the Irish Wolfhounds are enjoying themselves outside…..

…..they look frosted with the haze of dew and rain that clings to their fur…..there’s not enough rain for it to seep in…..

All the hounds like the cold and wet…..

…..they’d nap all day in it…..

…..but then…..they are napping now in the dry/warmth of the house too…..

…..(they do napping well)…..

The horses are furry and fluffy and warm…..even though we body-clipped Addy…..you wouldn’t know it by looking at her right now…..she’s a fuzzy behemoth…..

The tarp that I had put up for the goats to get under in the round pen (in anticipation of today’s rain)…..

…..they dutifully tore down three different times…..

…..(ask me if I’ll put it back up the fourth time?)…..

The chickens seem undisturbed by the cold and wet…..

…..I’m always concerned about them frosting their unprotected/scaly/bony feet…..

…..but they don’t seem to notice…..

…the Runner Ducks…..running…

And the ducks…..well they’re ducks…..they plunge right into any water they can find…..no matter the temperature…..

…..I remember as a child in northeastern Ohio…..watching the geese swimming in the unfrozen areas of our farm lakes…..

…..I suppose a Florida damp winter’s day is still far warmer than a northern Ohio blizzard…..(which my Aunt Cory tells me they’re getting quite of few of this year)…..

…..(but, hey…..I’ll whine about it anyway)…..

…..(it’s my nature)…..





#irishwolfhound #coldduck

#gulfofmexico #floridawinter #chickens #ducks #runnerducks #ohiowinter #geese #cold

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