*Clorox vs. Ammonia*

*Clorox vs. Ammonia*

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It’s basic chemistry…..

…..something you’re probably taught at an early age…..

…………………!!!Don’t Mix Bleach With Ammonia!!!…………………

Don’t Do It!………….Don’t Do It—Ever!

***(Whoa!…This Explains Everything…This Stuff’s Serious)…

That’s all fine & good…and it’s a rule that’s fairly easy to follow…with an exception…..

…..some ammonias aren’t always found in labeled bottles or jugs…..

I recently discovered this to be true…..

…..really I just stumbled into/onto it…with my signature lackadaisical/unawareness…..

Maybe I was being overly-dramatic…but I discovered my very dramatic-reaction to a very mundane chore…..

I was mopping the tile floor in my bedroom’s narrow hallway and adjacent bathroom…..

I started getting really loopy and dizzy and nauseous…..

…..did I stop mopping?…..

Nooooo…I started mopping faster…so I could finish the job…..

…..then I noticed I wanted to lean and slump and sit down against the hallway wall…..(?)…..

…..well…that was odd…now wasn’t it?…..

At this point I should probably point out that I was mopping a combination of puppy pee and adjacent/over-marking-arcing cat pee…..

…(sadly this IS cat pee in our chicken egg holder)…

…..I was mopping with a very strong solution of Clorox bleach…..

Sooooo…a bucket full of barely-diluted bleach…swished and mopped over two different types of urine…..

…..(i.e. Ammonia)…..

I was able to finish the mopping…(stupid me)…I came out of that confined space groping the walls…reeling with watery-eyes and almost pewking…..

***(The Chemistry)***

But the floors are clean…..

…..(I’ve really got to re-evaluate my priorities)…..

I hope…if the cats go back there to try their covering-technique…that they get their bottoms scorched…..

I’m fairly certain I have no hairs left in my nostrils…plus I was gifted with a booming headache…..

…..Ventilation Is A Must…..

…..Maybe Better Yet…pick a different cleaning product other than Clorox bleach when mopping up pee-puddle-accidents…..

In the past…on a number of occasions…I’ve put Clorox in the toilet bowl to soak before cleaning the toilet…..

There’ve been occasions when I’ve been caught short and had to use the john prior to scrubbing & flushing…..

…..the resulting fumes on my nether-regions were caustic…..

Suffice to say…ammonia takes many forms…..

Get with the program…Suzy…and change your cleaning products…..!…..





#hypochlorousacid #ammonia #parsons #windex #pledge #resolve #lysol

#clorox #bleach #cloroxbleach #ammoniaandclorox #poison #hydrochloricacid #nausea

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