Clean Windows & Covid

Clean Windows & Covid

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There is a relationship between windows and being sick…I swear…..

Clean Windows are a novelty around here to begin with…..

We have too many curious tall dogs with wet noses…..


I can clean the windows one day…and they’ll be smudged & smeared by the next…..

…’s almost like cleaning them…magnetizes the hounds…..

All the dogs gravitate towards the cleanest windows…they are (temporarily) the clearest ones to see out of…..

Cleaning them is a fruitless endeavor…with no end in sight…it’s a merry-go-round that should be avoided…..

So…I continue to have dirty windows all throughout our house…..

The Wolfhounds make sure of it…..

And normally…when I’m healthy & mobile…it’s not that big an issue…..

If I can’t see out one window clearly enough…I go to another… or better yet… go outside for the clearest view…..

This is all fine and good…until recently…when I’ve been stuck on this couch (for an inordinately long time)…with this stupid Covid variant…..

…..and my vista of views has been limited…..


My view of the outside world has been grotesquely distorted through Irish Wolfhound snot…..

…..and I’m here to say…it’s not a good look…..

I’m making a promise to myself…much like a New Year’s Eve resolution…that I pledge to keep the windows cleaner…..

…..even if it’s a fruitless…thankless…no-end venture…..

But currently…I sit here…on my numb ass…on this same couch…waiting for this stupid virus to leave…..

…..and my only view of the outside world…is a smeared reality…through murky dried dog sputum…..

I’m sure you can tell…I’m frustrated…..

I’m not a congenial person when I’m sick…..

I’m tired of being sick…I have things to do (other than cleaning windows)…..

…..and the list is growing…..

My head feels three sizes too big…I can’t hear worth squat (worse than usual)…I can’t string two coherent thoughts together (the brain fog is profound)…at least the excessive body aches “might” be subsiding…..

But my perspective of the outside world is through dried/indelible smears of dog slobber…..

…..I don’t recommend it as a perspective on life…..

As soon as I have some motivation and muscle coordination back…my cleaning chores are cut out for me…..

I love my hounds…but their sinus manners are the worst…..







#windex #vicksvaporub #akc #irishwolfhounds #covid #cdc #who # 

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