Clay Pigeons

Clay Pigeons


Our Hunt Club is going to have a fund raiser.


Shooting Clays.





I’m trying to set up a team of ringers.               I used to be one.


Now, I’m just an old lady who’s blind in her sight eye……………….not a good combination…………….but if attitude counts for anything………………I’m good to go.

I do keep both eyes open………………but one doesn’t work…………….so that’s just the left one focusing down the barrel of a right-handed shooter.

I should learn to shoot left-handed.  But chewing bubble-gum and skipping is too difficult.  I don’t think adding gun powder to that uncoordinated combination would help matters much.


It is something that I will think about though.



Pistol aim is easier.  The gun’s out in front of your mid-line. Long guns aren’t aimed the same.



A few years back, I did try some trap shooting after I lost my central vision in my sight eye.  I figured if I waited for the clay to disappear in my blind spot then maybe that would be the time to pull the trigger…………………what’s that old saying?


“The best laid plans of mice and men……………………”




Yep, that applied.  I purposefully forgot my score…………………….such sadness.

This competition will be a skeet competition though.  Much busier than five-station trap shooting.  I’ll need ringers to carry me.

I really want a belt buckle…………………..I do.  I doubt that that’s even a prize…………………….but, I’ll put that in a suggestion-box for next year.

I learned on my Dad’s 12-gauge Czechoslovakian Mauser.  I still have it.

I started trap shooting when I was nine.  One Christmas I even got a box of clay pigeons as a present.


My Dad kept us in frozen hams and turkeys from the various turkey shoots we would always go to on the weekends………………….he was good.

I would get penny-candy at the nearby grocery stores and he would win a frozen turkey……………that was just what we did on the weekends.

It was cool watching others see Dad walk up, and they would quietly pack up their stuff and go to their cars.

It made me proud.






So, I’ll use his Brno Mauser.  It’s an old beast…………………just like me.




It’s barrel is shorter than his Ithaca.  The Ithaca is pretty.  It’s a nicer gun.  But the Mauser is what I’m used to…………….my shoulder wouldn’t expect anything less.

Other than the inevitability of gravity, I think the clay pigeons will be safe with me……………….I need to find some better teammates.

Note to self……………..learn how to shoot left-handed.




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