

Claire & Addy

Well…..here we are again…..

…..is she pregnant???…..or isn’t she pregnant…..???

The rational person inside my head says…..

…..yes…you silly git…..

…..of course she is…..

Claire & Brave

…..hasn’t she been co-pastured with a proven stallion for well over a year now?…..

…..doesn’t that shave the odds in favor of her being knocked-up?…..

…..why, yes it does…..

Brave & Claire

Aren’t big-barreled draft horses the absolute best at hiding a pregnancy…..?

So…..of course she’s pregnant!!!…..

But…..I rarely function in the proximity of that rational mind…..that rational person is usually just plain boring…..

…..have you ever picked a crayon colored “rational”…..?…..

…..I haven’t…..


…..in THIS situation…..I think I should listen to her…..or him…..or it…..

(just this once)

Pascal—–(my friend in “the Cloud”)

(shhhhhh, Pascal)

Claire & Brave & Addy

With my handy-little Lumix camera…..I’ll take pictures of anything…..

…..as we all well know…..

Claire Is Super Tall—–(my arm is stretched straight up above my head)

…..because I’ve already posted a lot of them on my blog…..

So, I’ve decided to make a photographic journey of Claire’s udder…..

Claire’s Udder…..(she needs a Brazilian)

…..(when a mare (or any mammal)–(I think) gets close to birthing, her udder starts to “bag up”)…..

So, I’m waiting and watching for Claire’s udder to “bag up”…..

Hairy Claire

…..and I’m taking pictures…..

She’s a patient horse…..

I poke…..

I prod…..

This Is Not Claire

She naps…..

She snoozes…..

But…..I’ve got the photos…..

Okay…Her Udder Looks Exactly The Same…(a few days later)…(hmmmm)…

…..(I think) she is starting to bag up…..

Brave and Claire just continue to ignore me…..

Obviously Brave

…..but I’ve got the camera…..and like I said…..I’ll take pictures of anything…..

Claire’s Mustache






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