***Claire and the Birds***

***Claire and the Birds***

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Claire’s our rescued Clydesdale…..she doesn’t move much…..

She’s taking her retirement very seriously…..

Her boniness and bad hooves are taking a rest…..

Claire is one of the hardest horses to get weight on and even harder to keep it on…..

She likes her food…..she gets supplements and good hay daily…..

…..she does have some mysterious lip issues that slow down her efficiency when scooping up grain from a bucket…..

Claire’s Odd Droopy Lips…

…..but she makes do…..

We make sure her other pasture-mates don’t run her off her feed because of her slowness…..

Claire & Addy

…..Addy and Anja…..I’m talking about you!…..(they are both Hoover vacuums)…..

Claire’s a good soul…..

…(not Claire)…

…..she doesn’t bother anybody…..and doesn’t want anybody bothering her…..

…..and like I said…..she doesn’t move much…..

…(still not Claire)…

So…..recently I wasn’t too surprised when I noticed an accumulation of bird poop on her back…..(?)…..

…..apparently Claire has become a fuzzy perch for an assortment of birds…..

Upon closer inspection I observed that the bird droppings were varying degrees of dryness…..

…..(I notice these things)…..

…..(like I’ve said before…..I don’t get out much)…..

…bird poop on Claire’s back…

The progression of droppings told me that Claire has been offering up her backbone to perching birds for awhile now…..

…..I wonder if they gossip and have conversations…..(?)…..if anyone could chitchat with transient birds…..it would be Claire…..

…..she’s a good girl…..and a gentle giant…..

…more bird poop on Claire’s back…

…..if she wants to stand…..and snooze…..and be a bony-roost for birds…..then that’s just fine with me…..

…bony ‘ole Claire…






#clydesdale #florida, #farm #birdpoop #retired #rescued #hoover

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