Claire And The Angle Grinder…

Claire And The Angle Grinder…

Hairy Claire In The Shoeing Stock This Morning (with the sun rising behind her)

Claire had her hoovies done again this morning…

We’ve discovered that we can make better headway with her horrible hooves by using a cutting wheel on an angle grinder…..

…..rather than the traditional rasp and nippers…

It’s an unorthodox way of trimming a horse’s hooves…..

…..but Claire is unique…..

She absolutely HATES having her hooves done…..

…..she hasn’t had good experiences with her hooves in the past…..I’m quite sure…..

…..hoof trims have probably always been painful…..

But here’s a twist…..

Claire doesn’t appear to mind the angle grinder…..(?)…..

Smoke In The Barn This Morning

…..there’s so much smoke…..

…..there’s so much grinding noise…..

Montana Using His Angle Grinder On Claire’s Hind Hooves

…..there’s so much smell of burning keratin…..

…..and Claire’s just fine with it all…..

…..she doesn’t seem to mind the smell of burning toenails…..

…..or the smoke in her eyes…..


…..she doesn’t seem to mind the noise at all…..

There was no stomping or kicking…..

There was no rocking of the shoeing stock…..

The Shoeing Stock & A Broom Eaten By A Pony

…..Claire just calmly let Montana (our blacksmith) cut away on her long hooves with his angle grinder…..

~~~Just What Is An Angle Grinder~~~

We did have to hook up a box fan to blow some of the smoke out of the barn…..

Montana & Claire

Like I’ve said before…Claire’s hooves are doo-doo…

The canker (now only in her hind hooves) is a really bad thing to have…

But if we can make more headway with keeping her hooves the appropriate length with the help of a cutting wheel…………………than I’m all for it…

Claire & I Love The Smell Of Burning Keratin In The Morning





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