~~~Claire And Her Colt~~~

~~~Claire And Her Colt~~~

Bright and early the next morning…..(or was it just a continuation of the dawn’s twilight from the extended night we just went through?)…..


…..Doctor Stevie Wonder arrived…..

Patrice (See Glossary) was hauled up over my pajamas…..and we staggered out to the barn again…..

…..it’s important to have a foal and mare checked as early as possible after any delivery…..

There are some very important tests that need to be done…..

…..the afterbirth needs to be evaluated by the veterinarian……

…..and the IgG bloodwork needs to be checked on the new foal…..

***IgG Explained***

IgG “SNAP” Test

…..it is a test that shows the foal’s antibody-absorption from the Mom’s colostrum…..

*****And Wouldn’t You Know It*****The Colt’s Test Was Zero!!!*****

Not good…..

…..not good at all…..

Fortunately the good doctor was able to transfuse the necessary IgG antibodies into the baby in the form of blood plasma…..

***More IgG Antibody Explanation***

…..(the subsequent test the next day showed more than ample antibodies in his blood)…..

…..(phew!)…..(we dodged the bullet on that one)…..

Next…..Doctor Wonder borrowed my container of cooking salt and flushed Claire’s nether-region with a salt water douche…..

My Younger Daughter Even Had Time To Make Doctor Wonder A Gigantic Chocolate Chip Cookie

…..and then off to evaluate the all-important afterbirth…..

…..(I had it safely stored in the garage fridge)…..

…..(don’t judge me…..it was cold…..it was late…..I couldn’t leave it in the barn and potentially chum-up some coyotes)…..

…..(plus, I couldn’t leave it out in the garage…..because Otto would probably nibble on it)…..

…..so the fridge in the garage was the safest bet…..

…..I promise I will probably bleach everything thoroughly…..

Dr. Wonder & the Afterbirth………….(doesn’t that sound like it should be the title of a mystery novel?)

Doctor Wonder deemed the placenta to be all inclusive…..

…..however…..later that day Claire’s temperature spiked to 103.8F…..


………….double crap………….

We immediately started her on SMZ’s (@ eighteen tablets/twice daily)…..


…..along with Oxytocin injections (@ .5cc/four times a day)…..

…..(to promote contractions and clear the uterus…..I’ve had that stuff…..it works…..I hate it)…..

Claire’s son is on a three-day series of Naxcel injections (antibiotics)…..

…..just to be on the safe side…..

…..he needed this because he didn’t immediately get enough antibodies for those first few hours…..

~~~~~~~So that’s were we stand for the moment~~~~~~~

…..giving  3cc injections to a VERY mobile colt for three days…..

…..grinding up/soaking/& drenching SMZ’s down Claire’s gullet (from atop a stepladder)…..

…..jabbing Claire with Oxytocin multiple times a day…..

…..Oh…..and taking everyone’s rectal temperature…..twice daily…..

…..plus Claire’s colt has earned a temporary name…..

Claire…..Her Son…..(and my thumb)

…..because of the injections and the rectal-temperature-checks…..

We’ve discovered that he is already VERY ADEPT at double-barreled kicks…..

…..at our chin height…..!!!…..

So for the time being…..we’re calling him…..(among other things)…..

…..”Rocket Man”………….(don’t worry…it’s not a permanent name)…..






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