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Sometimes I don’t take my responsibilities seriously…..

… laundry…..

…..or worse than that…sorting laundry…..

It’s the worst…..

But…there are necessary things that need to happen in a necessary time-frame…..

…..they always have…..

…..they always will…..

I usually find myself dreading them…they’re a constant in the Universe…they’re a “have to”…they’re inevitable…..

But…over the years…I’ve also found…they’re what hold my days together…or even more than that…..

There have been many times…they’ve held my life together…..

…..those mundane…repetitive…reliable…constant…chores…they do more than just leave my cuticles dirty…..

…..sometimes they’re just what the doctor ordered…..

It’s not like I’m going to get all emotional and become a born-again/chore-hugger…..

That’s not what I’m getting at…..

Over the years…I’ve told my daughters…everything’s a matter of perspective…..

Wars…art…politics…written history…choice of shoes…..

…..I’ve told them that Life’s this big-faceted gem that you look through…and you can look through it from so many different angles and see so many different perspectives…and they’re all different………….but still valid…..

So now………….I’m circling back to my Daily Chores…..

…..they’re a pain in the patoot…..

…..a necessary pain…but a pain none-the-less…..

And yet…they’ve also been the glue that’s held my days and weeks and life together…..

…(a bit dramatic…but you get the idea)…

I grew up with chores in my life…early on…I hated sweeping the front porch…I would try so hard to wriggle out of it…..

Once I remember my Father’s scolding…when I hadn’t filled the rabbit’s water bowls…..

…..he went into great detail about the rabbits being so thirsty…and watching me walk by their hutches…not even looking at them…and how forgotten and parched and unimportant and sad they’d felt…..

Hoo!…Boy!…that little “talk” of his has stuck with me To This Day!…..

With life comes good times and bad…I’ve found my chores have helped ground me throughout…..

…..they’re rote & reliable…and they make my world go ’round…..

… doesn’t matter what else may be crumbling around me…the chores are there…every day…no matter what…..

Is this just Old-Woman-Wisdom in my autumnal years?………….(nah)…..

…..just an observation…and a personal pep-talk…to get up…and go fold some laundry…..





#foldinglaundry #laundry #rabbits #prism #crystalball

#chores #wisdom #peprally #psychology #rabbitwaterers #kayteepets #chewypets

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