*Chimney Repair*

*Chimney Repair*

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Yep…our chimney’s needed some prompt attention for quite some time now…..

Replacing the chimney cap can’t be put off any longer…..

We used to be a one bucket family…..

But now we’ve progressed to being a two bucket home…..

And…I’d like to point out that during rain storms…the rainwater runs down the chimney…across the hearth…and onto the den floor in a sooty-slurry…..

…..messy stuff…..

…..(however…it does have a nice after-burn/creosote smell to it…I understand—that’s not everybody’s favorite aroma…but…I’m weird)…..

The chimney repairs have to move forward…the hour is nigh…(it’s way past nigh)…..

DaVinci  &  Prosecco

…..I’m mildly distressed that the cats and dogs are finding “something” of interest up the chimney…..

…..and maybe a chimney cap won’t stop whoever is up there…..


…..but I’d like to think it just might deter a few critters from taking up residency in our chimney…..

…..(what’s stopping them from crawling down right into our house?)…..

Copernicus  &  Gatsby

…..(absolutely nothing’s stopping them)…..

…..(well that adds to the anticipation of a relaxing/peaceful/dreamy night’s sleep…now doesn’t it?)…..

I’ve started locking Ben and Killian into the kitchen and den at night when we go to bed…..


…..honestly…I think the two of them would willingly let anything that goes bump in the night slither right past them…..

…..at best…they’re just token watchdogs…..


…..they’re better at posing…..

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a standard chimney…one that was really easy to cap…..?…..

Wouldn’t that just be great…..?…..

What do you want to bet…it’s not…..?…..







#chimneyrepair #chimneysweep #chimneycap #soot #creosote #irishwolfhounds #homedepot #lowes

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