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…(me at the beach)…(HA!)…

It’s finally here…..

The doors are open…the A/C’s off…..

…..everything is getting a (much needed) airing…..

…..and we’re COLD(ish)…(70 degrees)…and it’s wonderful!…..

I’m even celebrating the return of my Raynaud’s Syndrome…(which…as you know…I fondly refer to as my cadaver-fingers)…..

…..(Why Are My Fingers White)…..

…..(I wonder what it would be like if I still lived up North?)…..

I’ve been keeping track of what’s happening in New York State…..

Lordy George!………….that’s a lot of snow!  I think I heard they got six feet in some places!…..

…..I also heard one repeated phrase on the news…I remembered it from my youth…..

………….”The Lake Effect”………….

…..I focused right in on it…(apparently it’s a trigger-word for me)…..

Where I’m from in northeastern Ohio’s Lake County…I grew up with “The Lake Effect”…..

*****(What’s “The Lake Effect”?)*****

…..we lived about thirteen miles from Lake Erie…in “the Snow Belt”…in Kirtland, Ohio…..

…..”The Lake Effect” was such a wonderful phrase…(I actually looked forward to it)-(because I was a stupid kid)…and because it meant…..

…..SNOW DAYS!!!…..

As a child I really enjoyed them…..

…..we’d harness up the donkeys…hook them to our runner sleds…and away we’d go…..!!!…..

Hooves in our faces…packed ice-balls flying…frost-bitten cheeks  &  fingers…..

…..it was the best of times…..

…..Hurricane Days…however…down here…..

…..not so much fun…..


But it’s cool today…the 2022 hurricane season ends in a week…..

…..the windows are open…tomorrow’s Thanksgiving…..

………….Tra!  La!………….

The chimney sweep is scheduled to come…and maybe we can get the !@#$%’ing chimney cap installed…..

…..I suppose this means…I have to take down (some) of the Halloween decorations…..

…..I guess the bloody handprint on the window needs to go…and the piranha skeletons…maybe one of the cauldrons…..

…..but that’s about it…we’ll absorb the rest into our normal decor…..

…..Oops…I should probably take the Thanksgiving turkey out of the freezer…shouldn’t I?…..





#donkeys #snowbelt #kirtlandohio #lakecountyohio 

#thelakeeffect #lakeerie #buffalonewyork #snowdays #2022hurricaneseason #frostbite

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