*Chicken Vending Machine*

*Chicken Vending Machine*

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~~~(I had planned this post right after the Sabine-Post of 08/28/23)~~~

~~~(but Idalia elbowed her way in and took the stage)~~~

Remember the aforementioned Sabine?…..

…..and her insomniatic hunting & pecking with her nose…..

…..in the bathroom by my bedroom?…..

Well…we’re going to re-visit that scenario now…..

…..(btw:  her routine hasn’t changed)…..

Where Was I?…..

Along with her poking the light switch in the master bathroom with her nose…..

…..(and subsequently waking me up)…..

When she turns on the light…it has the trickle down effect of backlighting all the fat poultry perched in the coop…..

I normally keep that light off after dark…for safety reasons…for the hens…..

…..because it is just too illuminating and attracts the local predators…..

It broadcasts where their next Chicken McNuggets are to be had…..

Right Here!…Come And Get It!…..

Just Pick Which Biddie You’d Like…..

And Snatch Her Off Her Perch!…Easy…Peasy…..

So as a result…Sabine’s new perfunctory mindless habit…is not so helpful…..

Not at all…..

We sometimes fondly refer to her as Sabeanie-Baby…..

…(remember Beanie Babies?)…

…..you just can’t get mad at her…(but we do)…her brain cells have all sifted out her ears…..

You know that expression:  “Nice House…Lights On…Nobody Home”(?)…..

…..well…that’s Sabine…through and through…..

Sabine unwittingly…and with regularity…illuminates a nocturnal chicken vending machine for the raccoons and foxes and opossums and coyotes…..

…..along with any other predacious varmint higher up on the food chain who happens by within this Sabine-imposed lit radius…..

And me?…..

Same ‘ole…same ‘ole…..


…..lack of beauty sleep will do that to you…..

But…the chickens are safely tucked in…and thoroughly unaware of their ever-looming demise…..

…..and Sabine…..

…..sleeping away peacefully…in dreamland…(always in dreamland)…with the pretty butterflies and ballerinas…..

…..and lots of Milkbones & Snausages & Prime Rib Roasts…..

…..(must be nice)…..






#beaniebabies #milkbones #snausages #mcdonalds #mcnuggets 

#irishwolfhound #chickencoop #vendingmachine #cocacola #soapbubbles #dawndishwashingliquid

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