*Chick Eating Grin*

*Chick Eating Grin*

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

Remember those silly hens who insisted on laying and setting in one of the nooks on top of “Ole Sparky”?

…..it didn’t turn out well…..

…..(we knew ahead of time it wouldn’t)…..

Well…..Otto’s happy…..(at least)…..

So here’s the re-cap…..


Stupid Hen #1 discovered an inappropriate place to start laying eggs…..

…..it was on top of our generator (who we fondly call “Ole Sparky)…..

…..the little alcove that she chose had visqueen over the top…..(to stop the collection of debris from pooping chickens)…..

Hen #1 thought it was the best-est place ever to start her new brood…..

When I found her there…..I would take her back to the coop each evening…..(for safety concerns)…..

…..and next morning she would be right back there again…..

…..I kept taking her eggs and taking her back to the coop…..

…..if I put her down on the ground (so that she could walk away)…..

…..she would just sit there…..and not move…..

I collected her eggs for awhile…..I collected her for awhile…..

…..but she was determined…..

(I Put A Box Over Her Eggs To Stop Them From Rolling Off)…

…..and then…..I lost interest…..

Enter Hen #2…..

Hen #2 thought that sitting on top of Hen #1 on top of “Ole Sparky” was a great place to lay her eggs too…..

…..(can you foresee a problem here unfolding?)…..

Now I had two hens that were refusing to go back to the coop after sunset…..

…..and they were both laying eggs on top of Ole Sparky…..

…..rather than choosing the egg-laying boxes already provided for them in the safety of their coop…..

…..(dumb-assed birds)…..

…..AND I had lost interest…..

So time went by…..

…..somehow…..they didn’t get eaten by some passing predator…..

Remnants Of A Chicken Who Stayed Out In The Barn Overnight…

…..days passed…..

…..more days passed…..

…..far more than the twenty-one days necessary for incubation…..

The hens continued to be stubborn…..PLUS…..they were smelling like rotten/sulphury eggs…..

…..and then we heard a peeping from under Hen #1 during her morning shift…..

…..before Hen #2 came in to spell her…..

I wanted to take Mom and Peep back to the safety of the coop…..

…..but if other chicks were going to hatch and I removed Mom…..

…..that wouldn’t be good for the remaining/hatching babies…..

I waited until evening…..I figured that would be enough time…..

…..and I would know if others were going to hatch……

…..but when I picked up the hen (at this point…I really don’t know if it was Hen #1 or Hen #2)…..

…..the baby peep was gone…..

…..my older daughter and I checked all around for the baby chick…..

…..it was nowhere to be found…..

…..all I found were a lot of spoiled eggs…..ready to explode….

…..and a napping/grinning Otto on top of a round bale…..

…..it wasn’t hard to connect the dots…..

I collected the nasty/remaining/spoiled eggs…..

…..and pitched them into the side-property…..

…..some of them splattered & exploded in mid-air…..

Stupid hens………….opportunistic Otto…..
(Catalog Chicks)

And that’s why I buy two-day old chicks from a hatchery and raise them myself until they’re safely feathered-out…(and not Otto-Snackables)…..






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