~~~Cardiac Fun~~~

~~~Cardiac Fun~~~

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I’m scheduled for another “procedure”…..

Why do they have to de-sensitize you to the obvious…..(?)…..


I’m currently scheduled for a “procedure”…(good thing it’s not a surgery…that would be scary)…..

They’re planning to go into my heart…poke around…light up some nerves (I think with radioactive-stuff)…and use tiny/stainless-surgical-steel “what-nots” to fix the bad things that they find…..

…(Geez!…these are impressive “what-nots”)…

…..that’s the housewife’s version of what will be happening this Friday…..

…..(Cardiac Ablation—(in a nutshell)…..

…(I resent the Fall Risk I.D…..I didn’t earn that one yet)…

…..Aging………….It’s a challenge………….what’s the alternative………….hmmmmm?…..

…..but it’s a pain-in-the-ass…..

…..no…wait………….that’s the necessary/multiple colonoscopies…..

If you recall back in the Fall of 2021…I had my first ablation for atrial-fibrillation…..

…not one of my better selfies…

…..and…it worked………….the fibbers finally went away…..

But then some other bloops showed up in my cardiac rhythm…..

…..not the reliable lub-dub…more like something with maracas…with a catchier/dance-able beat…..

…..(but not cardiac-acceptable)…..

And that’s why I’m scheduled for another “procedure”…..

…..it sounds like…(after they put me out)…they’ll have a user-manual propped up on my belly…following the outlined step-by-step instructions…for the “procedure”…..

…..Remember that old game “Operation” where the guy’s nose would buzz & light up if you touched the edges…..?…..

Keep in mind………….doctors willingly remind you that they “practice” medicine…..

Can a mechanic get away with that?  Or a plumber?  Or an electrician?

…..”Ma’am…I’m only practicing wiring your house…I can’t guarantee that it won’t spark and explode”…..

I suppose this patch-up has gotta be done…I’m just hoping they won’t light up my nose…..

Although…I am disappointed with my heart…I guess with all my past sports and running…I thought it would maintain a more positive/healthier homeostasis…..

…..I mean…I ran both knees and both hips into the ground…and they’re titanium and plastic now…..

…my artificial knees…two different styles…

I had thought all that aerobic exercise was developing heart-health-longevity…..

…..silly me…..

…..I know I’ve said this before………….I’m Not A Good Patient…..

…..I ask too many questions…I don’t like staying still…and let’s not even talk about the hospital’s choice of drafty-clothing…and the noise…..

…..I’ll Get It Done………….I Will Behave…………I Have To…..

I’m in it for the promised Jello dessert…..

And then I’ll get home…as soon as I can…..


We all know…I have barbed wire wreaths to make…cookies and kuchen to bake…and the Yule is just around the corner…..

…..Let’s get this party started…..





#oddsbodkins #

#prematureventricularcontraction #kuchen #prematureatrialcontraction, #pvc #pac

#yule #oddsbodkins #jello #barbedwire #homeostasis #lubdub #cardiacablation

6 thoughts on “~~~Cardiac Fun~~~

  1. Howdy Cousin. Best of luck as you go through the medical maze. We’re sending you good vibrations from California –
    Love P.

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