Caprine Family Planning

Caprine Family Planning

Disclaimer Alert………..again.

This IS a farm blog.

Given the post-Irma population explosion of baby goats………..we could have a veritable nuclear-tsunami of baby goats within the next calendar year.  (See “Goats, Hoo Hoo & Basic Addition”–Post/Published January 26/2018).

That is unless we make some responsible decisions, and take some livestock-population-control action.


We need to ensure that the adult dairy girls along with the new baby girls don’t become “in a family way” without our planning and okay………………….

Professor Dillamond/Oberhasli Buck
Optimus Prime/Boer Goat Buck

Of course, this is all with Mother Nature’s approval, and a forgiving/up-coming Hurricane Season.


It’s always the littlest doeling who gets herself prematurely pregnant.

Then historically, they always have a singleton, huge baby buckling.


You see, it’s easier for them to have twins……………..even though it’s two babies…………….they are smaller babies individually.

Obviously this makes the the birthing process a little easier for the little mother even though it is multiplied by two.



That having been said, it’s still better for the entire process not to get started in the first place.



Enter sterilization methods and choices…………………….hmmmmmmmm.


There are a number to pick from.







Some are less “invasive” than others.


The burdizzo method has always given me the willies, either for cattle or goats or anybody for that matter.


Surgical castration requires more skill than I have.  It has an incurred vet bill attached with it, and it leaves an open wound with its own potential complications.

My younger daughter and I selected one of the least intrusive ways…………….





We located the necessary apparatus & supplies from the the dusty recesses of the garage.

We chased down and rounded up all of the goat boys from the pasture.

And with way too much effective efficiency, we banded them all.

…………with the exception of two bucklings, who were way too old to be able to do this procedure safely.  Their fool-proof castration technique will be a sooner-than-later trip to the meat market……………works every time.



Time out for some deep-thinking and pensive-thought.


I wonder why I can enter a room and immediately feel like all of the males are doing an overly-quick side-step and giving me the widest berth possible.





Do strangers know that I am a goat castrator?


**********These Notes Are For Me………………These Are The Starting Dates Of Psyllium Seed Mucciloid Tx.  ——  Mason 3/10; Becky 3/12; Mystic 3/12; Magick 3/12; Bennett 3/12; Bell 3/13; I’ve already treated Violet/Ruby/& Sonja…………………Brave and Annie still need to start this month’s treatment.  (Brave’s being picky about what I can get him to eat this month.)***********This treatment is to hopefully help prevent sand colic from developing in the horse’s gut……………..I have now chased down Brave.  He started 3/14.  Annie’s still being a butt.






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