~~~Bunny Genitalia~~~

~~~Bunny Genitalia~~~

Remember that perfect world?

…..the illusion…..

The one that doesn’t exist?

Remember last February when I bought two female bunny sisters to breed to my buck rabbit?

Remember that prior to that…..

…..(with my first foray into meat rabbits)…..

…..that I actually had five boys and one girl…..

…..(when it was supposed to be the other ratio)…..(?)…..

Remember that?…..



…..the recent acquisition of bunnies weren’t sisters…..(!)…..

…..how do I know this…..(?)…..

Baby Bunnies In A Bowl

…..because suddenly…..and without warning…..

…..we had a litter of bunny babies…..

…..in the middle of August…..during a Florida summer…..with all of its excessive heat & humidity…..

Box Fan For The Bunnies

This was not the plan…..

I was waiting until October to put the girls together with my buck (who resides in a separate cage).

Mama Bunny


I will NEVER trust my ability to sex a rabbit when (now…two different) people who breed & sell rabbits can’t figure it out…..

But the bunnies wasted NO time working it out between themselves…..!!!…..

…..you know that old saying…..

…..”they breed like rabbits”………….well…..

…..they do…..


…..the bunnies themselves had NO problem figuring out who was the boy rabbit and who was the girl…..

Like I said…..this was not my plan…..

I wanted the girls to be able to kindle in cooler weather…..

I’m doing my best to keep the fan directly on Mama Bunny’s hutch…..

…..I’ve separated her overly-familiar brother from her cage…..

…..he’s in his own cage now…..bad bunny…..

…..I’m freezing large/litre water bottles and I’m putting them on the floor of her cage…..

(Frozen Water Bottle & Mama Bunny)

…..that way she can get cooler laying by it…..if she needs to…..

…..August in sub-tropical/steamy Florida…..

…..not a good time for bunnies birthing with hot/furry jackets…..






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