*Bumble Foot*

*Bumble Foot*

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*************Bumble Foot*************

Don’t laugh………….I didn’t make it up…..

It’s a bird-thing…..

But it does sound poetic-ish…almost Chaucer-like—“the foot that bumbles…the bumbling foot”…maybe Wordsworth?…or just the start of a bad limerick?—(okay…I’ll drop it)…..

Poultry can develop………….”Bumble Foot”   *****(Bumble Foot Explanation)*****

I believe it starts out as an injury…probably a puncture wound…..

…..and maybe because there’s not profuse circulation in a chicken’s foot…and because they walk on highly-suspect & certainly not sterile surfaces…..


…..they then develop a condition called “bumble foot”…..

…..(catchy name)…(it should be a new dance step)…..

On a serious note…we noticed that Caesar was not with the flock…and Guillaume had usurped his hens…..

…..that’s not right…Caesar’s the senior rooster and he has the biggest herd of girls…..

Caesar was hunkered down in a corner by the front porch…looking morose…..

From our vantage point…sitting on top the mounting block…my older daughter and I discussed the odd changes in the hierarchy of our chicken-world…..


Caesar looked healthy…his feathers were shiny…his comb was bright red…..

…..but he wasn’t fighting or spurring the opportunistic-Guillaume for stealing his hens(?)…..

………….and then he stood up————-and fell over………….

The poor rooster had gotten both his feet and spurs tangled up in some baling twine…..

…..my daughter picked him up…he was already hobbled…and couldn’t put up much resistance…..

…..she took him back to the mounting block…where we could better examine and fix him…..

As it turned out…Caesar was more than hobbled…(which was easily cut off with a jack knife)…..

…..but he also had a tremendous bumble foot underneath all the tangle of hay string…..

…..(poor Dude)…..

On closer examination…we found that there were two bumble foots(?) feet(?) on his one sole…..

…(FYI…my daughter said we had to be careful because there can be staph-infection involved with bumble foot)…(it even looks like that doesn’t it?)…(we probably should have had on gloves)…(oops)…

…..that had to hurt…..

We were able to remove the sedimentized-pebble…which left a clean/non-oozing orifice in the bottom of his foot…..

…(this pebble came out of that secondary hole in his foot)…

…..the other one was big…and looked dried…like it had been there for awhile…..

…..we opted to leave it for the time-being…to let Caesar get back on his feet…and get his ladies back…..

…..and then we’ll re-visit his bumble foot at a later date…to see if it needs addressing…or if it’s better to be left alone…..if it looks stable…..

Watch out Guillaume…Caesar is going to want ALL his girls back…..

Caesar and the sympathetic Duck Contingent…






#runnerducks #stromberghatchery #cacklehatchery #murraymcmurrayhatchery

#bumblefoot #plantarpododermatitis #chickenhealth #frenchblackmaran #frenchblackcoppermaran

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