Bubba, Stumpy, & Lefty ~~~ The Day After

Bubba, Stumpy, & Lefty ~~~ The Day After


Yesterday was the Fourth of July.

The “South” just loves their fireworks!

That’s an understatement!


*****Fireworks Store Choice #1*****

There were impromptu explosives “stores” that popped up everywhere.

The same red & white striped tents (which also sell Christmas trees or Easter Lillies during the appropriate holidays) were sprouting up on every available open piece of land or parking lot.

Mortars?………….no problem.

M-80’s?………….sure, fill up your bag.

Finales?  Roman Candles?………….step this way.

Rockets & Missles………….take your pick.

Then all you need is a garbage can (preferably full) or your Aunt’s favorite potted-azalea…….

*****Fireworks Store Choice #2*****

…….and you have a recipe for big bangs/a variety of projectiles/& the fear of loosing chunks of your own persona.

If you attended a picnic (like we did) you should have taken your side-dish of potato salad along with a pith helmet for falling debris.

*****Fireworks Store Choice #3*****


By nightfall the air had that wafting smell of burnt gun powder.

*****Fireworks Store Choice #4*****

The sun was just setting in one direction…….while in the other direction it was being lit up with predominately red, white, & blue flashes and bursts.

*****Fireworks Display Company*****

The picnic that we went to was at Sapphire’s house.

It was mostly attended by horse people.

Most of us didn’t stay very long after sunset………….we all have horses at home………….even seasoned Hunt Horses get nervous with fireworks.




It’s better to be home when there’s a possibility of a nearby, errant drunk with a handful of short fuses.

*****Florida Fireworks Law*****

But I do love the smell of burnt gun powder in the morning.





8 thoughts on “Bubba, Stumpy, & Lefty ~~~ The Day After

  1. I always loved that legal loophole. It takes into account night vison wearing birds of prey, and crows. It was so bad at a friends house over on Bellamy Brothers one year, that they had to spend, and I’m not exaggerating, a thousand dollars in Tennessee. That’s where the, “a hair short of commercial grade” fireworks are found. Of course we were forced to fire all of them in self defense, (lot’s of air defense stuff) (why Pasco County’s finest didn’t pay us a visit is a mystery), from the aforementioned night vision wearing birds. Strange how they always seem to attack on the 4th of July. Solar flares?

      1. I was just an innocent, forced participant, intimidated by massive peer pressure to be involved. I didn’t want too, knowing that I was breaking the law, and you know what a stickler I am about being lawful. I will note the only livestock anywhere around were some cracker cattle, who did not seem the least bit bothered.

          1. Of course. Like I said, almost all aerial. No firecrackers, roman candles, sparklers, nothing like that. We even had punks to light the fuses. (That was a bunch of street kids we rounded up.) Besides, when did a bunch of drunks in the middle of Pasco Cty. ever manage to get hurt playing with things that go bang. Here, hold my beer and watch this.

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