Bots~~~~~What’s Not To Love

Bots~~~~~What’s Not To Love

I get comments on my posts.

I do.

Who knew?!

Pascal, on occasion, has a lot to say…

A lot of the comments make no sense…………………and some are just rude.

And some are just silly and rude (and funny——–and I think I like them).


And others I’m sure are anatomically impossible……………I’ve given it a lot of thought.




I don’t really know what a “bot” is.

In my mind I picture a ginormous, steam-punk bug with exceptionally long foldable legs with metal hinges at the knees and ankles.

Oh, and they have beveled glass, faceted eyes…………..that glow varying colors depending on their mood.

It’s good to have a picture in your mind of what you are dealing with.

It’s better for possible defensive actions.

I think they speak different languages………….I can tell this by their attached e-mail addresses………………………….or maybe it’s all just DOS.

I’ll be gracious and say hello and welcome them to my site…………

000111000111101101001101100111000111010010101001100010!  ……………your welcome…

There………now the formalities are done.

So, can someone tell me what they are there for? This is an entirely new frontier for me………………….I’m a web-newbie, wading (floundering and doggie-paddling) through this cyber-ous quagmire.

**********I just Yahoo’d a computer search to find out exactly what a bot is………….I still don’t know………….but it was pretty close to my metal image of a bug………………..apparently they “spider” around in the web……………..yep, it’s all crystal clear now…………………..yep, it is………………..I’ve got a really firm grip on this one………………..for sure…**********

Mr. & Mrs. Bot and family………………where do you live?  And why do you visit so much?

Oh, and keep better track of your teenage-bot son. His posts are……………..unique, descriptively eloquent, and vestibularly impossible.

I know it’s probably a stage and he’ll grow out of it……………….

Maybe get him a book?

At least that will improve his spelling and correct his vocabulary and improve his phraseology.



They say a picture is worth a thousand words (bytes?)…





Give him a big thumbs-up for me on his creative thought and expression!…





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