***Boomer Supreme***

***Boomer Supreme***

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***(The above colored font is the closest I could get to tie-dye)***

I love tie-dye…..

My “era” was awash with the stuff…..

It seems like in today’s nomenclature…our entire population has been divided into generational labels…..

I knew I was in the Baby Boomer generation…..

…..but only recently I’ve been made aware that being a “Boomer” has become my identifier (usually by a younger generation)…..

…..(I guess it goes without saying…there are very few left from any of the older generations)…..

We Boomers…are pretty much top of the list…the end of the trail…..

…..the last train at the station…so to speak…..

…..everyone else is younger…..

***Where Do YOU Fit In?…..(I never do)***

…..there are the Gen X’s…there are the Millennials…there are Y’s and Z’s…and there are still some of the Silent Generation…..

…..and then there are the Snowflakes…(but I really don’t know where they fit in?)…..

I was sitting on a bench outside our local hospital recently…waiting for a procedure…(that happens more and more often now for my generation)…..

I found myself tapping my foot and singing along with the piped in music…it was good stuff…..

Then I realized…it was all from “My Era”…..

I figured maybe it was because the highest percentage of people hanging around the hospitals now ARE from “My Era”…..

…..Cuz We’re Old…..

…..and we need “procedures”…..

My older daughter made me feel better when she said the lyrics from her generation’s music weren’t really acceptable in the general public…..

…..fair enough…..

So…I’ll wear my “Boomer” label with pride…..

I’ll continue to irk and irritate any and all of the younger generations…(who care to listen)…(along with those who don’t)…..

…..It’s…apparently…my job…..

…..and an expectation…which I intend to take very seriously…..





#generationx #millenials

#babyboomer #generationx #silentgeneration #medicalprocedures #tiedye #boomer

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