~~~Bony Ben~~~

~~~Bony Ben~~~

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Ben is everything we want in a stud dog.

…..(sometimes he’s a bit more than what we want)…..

Ben lives his life is superlatives…..

He’s the tallest Irish Wolfhound we’ve ever had…..

…..he takes NOTHING seriously…..and always at warp-speed…..

In the past we’ve had males who were “less than ardent lovers”…..

It was necessary for me to become their cheering squad and “assistant”…..

…..(and I really don’t want to talk about it)…..

Ben is surrounded by his bevy-of-bitches…..(you know I just had to say that)…..

…..(isn’t that an alliteration?…..why yes…..I think it is!)…..

Willow & Ben

He is a thorough gentleman…..knows his job…..and knows when to leave the girls alone…..

…..because let’s face it…..if they’re not interested…..

…..they can be real bitches…..

Ben has great paws…..good coat…..nice eye-set…..good bite…..great bone…..good ear-angle…..and an “inordinately-long tail”…..

…..which is something that “they” like to mention in the breed standard…..

However with that “inordinately-long tail”…..comes the inevitable whip-action…..

…..and…..Boy Oh Boy!…..does he ever!…..

His tail is like a bullwhip when he’s happy…..

…..FYI—–he’s always happy…..

…..and human men in this house know how to gird-their-loins…..

…..another Ben draw-back is his nose-height…he’s very tall…..he can easily get his nose all the way to skillet-level on the back-burner of the stove…..

…..plus…..it’s cold & wet and at human-crotch-level…..

…..and let’s not talk about his tug-o-war with your underpants while you’re sitting on the john…..

When you watch Ben…..he doesn’t really walk…..he undulates…..

…..kind of like a dragon…..

…..he’s so long that his front legs have already completed their part of the gait…..while his hind legs are catching up…..

But as per the title of this post…..it’s hard to keep padding on his bones…..

…..eating is just not super-important to him…..

…..(unless—of course—it’s stolen people-food)…..

So Ben has bony hip bones…..and bony elbows…..and we’ve already discussed his bony-whipping-tail…..

His razor-sharp hip bones & elbows leave mystery-bruises all over us…..

…..and he’s always just SO happy…..and exuberant…..and explosive…..

…..he loves us just SO SO much…..and he ricochets off us all the time…..

We love him to pieces…..but…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ben is both painful and exhausting~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~






#irishwolfhound #akc #studdog #breedstandard

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