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Bonfire’s are therapeutic…..

You can easily slip into a zen-state while staring into their embers…..

…(a less than Zen-like behavior)…

We’ve finally made it to that time of year again…..

It’s cool enough to warrant a bonfire on a chilly night…..

…..and not too sweltering to regret lighting the match…..

There’s always more than enough wood that’s dropped in the yard and the pastures…..

…..so having enough firewood is never a problem…..

…..plus an outdoor bonfire is a great way to burn old pine wood that’s dropped throughout the year…..

My older daughter has decided that we will have a standing invitation to our regular bonfires every Thursday after sunset…..

…..we should be able to do this throughout the next five months…..

Nothing grandiose…..hot dogs…..s’mores…..whatever people want to bring…..palmetto frond stems make great hot dog or marshmallow skewers…..

…..Doctor Brigid is going to show my daughter how to bake bread at the side of the fire…..

Bread On A Stick…

We’ll always have a fuel supply…..friends can drop-by or come and stay…..it’ll be every Thursday…..

…..and there’s the horse’s water tank & hose that’s handy…..to drench everything when we’re done…..

We’ve had one so far…..on the night of the recent lunar eclipse…..we figured that was a good start to a new tradition…..

Otto practicing his Zen poses…

Brave & Finley eased closer to the fence to keep an eye on us…..Addy stayed on the far side of the round bale…..while Otto happily slept on top of the same bale…..

…..there were Bobwhites and Barred Owls…..

…..it was so nice and relaxing….

…..you know me…..

…..I’ll never say no to starting a fire…..





#bonfire #mooneclipse #barredowl #bobwhite #roundbale #smores #marshmallows #palmetto #hotdog

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