*****Boiled Peanuts & The Art Of Southern Snacking*****

*****Boiled Peanuts & The Art Of Southern Snacking*****

I’ll put this out there…..

…..I’m a Northerner by origin…..

…..so none of what I’m about to say comes from a true/dyed-in-the-wool Southerner…..

But over the years I’ve absorbed some of the nuances of southern-country-snack-habits and southern-cooking…..

I’ve always believed in Crisco…..

…..it’s a universal/gob of usefulness…..north or south of the Mason Dixon line…..

…..Crisco rules…..

***Bob Explains Crisco~~~Plus Yummy Recipes***

(but to be honest…..I’ve recently gravitated to lard…..)

(shhhhhhhhh, Pascal…..it’s yummy good in its lardiness….and…..don’t let anybody know that I use it…..and…..I don’t want to talk about it right now)


(I know my Mom and Grandma in heaven are frowning down at me right now for my lack of Crisco-usage)

Here in the South…..there are some simple favorites that we’ve come to love…..

…..a lot of them are deep fried…

…..chitlins…..fried chicken…..fried green tomatoes…..fried cat fish & fried grouper…..fried shrimp…..chicken fried steak…..hush puppies…..&  fried okra…..

A Cooker Smoker

The South has a lot of other unique foods and snacks…..

…..corn bread…..corn pone…..

…..BBQ’d-anything…..gumbo…..collard greens…..

…..mustard greens…..turnip greens…..and poke salet…..

My Cooker Smoker

I’ve had two children and they are authentic Southerners…..

…..they grew up on all of these southern treats.

…..but Boiled Peanuts have always been their favorite roadside snack…..

…..not roasted…..not toasted…..not sugar-coated or chocolate-dipped…..

…..but boiled…..

…..dipped out of boiling water from a scorched/charred vat of questionable metal with a long slotted spoon…..

…..served in a cracked/jumbo/styrofoam cup…..

…..a nice…slippery…tender…sometimes spiced…..always slimy…salted…boiled…hot…goober…..

They are really quite good…..

Georgia Goobers           ***Why Is Georgia Called the Goober State?***

…..especially when they’ve been boiled all day in a galvanized metal drum over a fire at a roadside Mom & Pop vegetable stand…..

You shell and eat them like any regular peanut…..

…..except the shells are soggy…..

…..and your fingers get pruny…..

…..and then you throw the wet shells at each other or out the truck window…..

It’s really good southern fun…..

…..it really is…..





One thought on “*****Boiled Peanuts & The Art Of Southern Snacking*****

  1. When my then-girlfriend (now wife) first visited Tampa with me, I stopped at a place on Armenia Avenue and picked up a quart of boiled peanuts. My girlfriend said “What in God’s name is that?” I said “Just try ’em!” She loved them from first taste…and this was the very first time I thought “Hmmmmm…this relationship might work!”

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