~~Blackberry Sadness~~

~~Blackberry Sadness~~

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If I’m anything…..I’m stubborn…..

Why…..with all of the surrounding-varied-excessive vegetation that surrounds us…..

…(our “backyard”)…

…..why did someone (or something) decide to zero in on my poor/struggling blackberry bushes…..(?)…..

I just wanted to start some easy-growing/old-fashioned berry bushes along the pasture fence line…..

That’s all I wanted…..

I wanted to stop strangers from proffering apples or carrots or whatever over the fence to our horses because the thorny berry bushes would keep them away…..


I thought I’d start with three little plants…..

…..nothing grandiose…..just a starter kit so to speak…..

Well…..the first order of three bushes got entirely decimated (most probably) by Addy…..(with the help of mis-directed herbicides)…..


…..they were TOTAL goners…..I couldn’t even find any plant-twig-residue…..

…..I put up (fake) electric fencing to deter Addy from any future plant-lings…..

Blackberry Bush

I purchased my second round of itty-bitty (soon-to-be-X) bushes…..

I got four plants during the second round of blackberry starters…..

…..the fake fencing to keep Addy away was already in place…..this time I told my family where I put them…..I lovingly planted…..and patted…..and watered them…..and checked on them daily…..

…..Did It Matter!?!…!?!…


…..within a very short amount of time…..the leaves got sucked off these poor plants…..and someone used them for toothpicks…..

…..(the future does not look lucious and flourishing for them)…..

They were totally chewed on and ripped up!!!!!!!!!!!!!…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scalding Summer Heat is just around the corner~~~~~~~~~~~~~

…..I doubt this is a good time to even consider planting Round #3~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I’ll spend the summer months researching how to keep the mystery-munchers away…..

…..probably deer…..

I’ve heard that when you trim your hair you should sprinkle the trimmings around the plants as a deterrent…..

…..maybe I should visit a barbershop or salon and ask to sweep up?…..

I’ve also heard that sprinkling tobacco dust around the plants helps…..(there are a number of cigar buisnesses here)…..

…..then there’s that questionable practice of pee’ing around the plants…..

…..I’m sure THAT delivery-system would go over big with the neighbors…..

There’s always cayenne-pepper spray…..(guarantee’d to back-draft into my eyes)…..

I should probably research deer fencing…..I don’t even know if there is such a thing…..

I’m not giving up……those post-mortem little plants are so sad looking…..

…..I’m still watering them (with water)…..

…..Hope Springs Eternal…..

Like I said…..I’m stubborn…..






#hope #blackberrybush #cayennepepperspray #deerfencing #tobaccodust #cigars

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