Black Light Surprise

Black Light Surprise

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…..Another Discussion of Urine?…..

…..I thought I’d continue writing along the same theme…..

I’m sure there are better topics to discuss…..


…..pee happens…..

…..and if it doesn’t occur…then there’s a much bigger problem…..

So…let’s all celebrate the ever-present existence of that big yellow-puddle…..


But…along that line…..

This is concerning…..

As you probably remember…we have house pets…..

And I swear they are all house-broken…(when they choose to be)…..

Danny  &  Copernicus

…..(there’s a lot of spite-pee’ing happening)…..

We have crested geckos…and parrots…and cats…and dogs…and everyone lives in the house together…..

I’ve found that multiple pets are a deterrent to the visiting humans I wouldn’t get along with anyway…..

***(Discover A World Of Glowing Urine)***

Plus the unseen world of florescence was recently unlocked for me…when my older daughter purchased a black-light flashlight…..

…..(big mistake)…..

We waited for dark…with abated breath…..

We were told our wait would be “worth it”(?)…..

…..the promise of iridescently-glowing urine…tucked in corners…and alcoves…..


…..we were NOT dissatisfied…not one bit…..

The black-light worked Super-Dee-Dooper…the cat’s generous-forethought and previously distributed “artwork”…..

…..did not disappoint…..

… fact…it was profound…(sigh)…..

…..(the bastards)…..

My daughter was able to expeditiously become a dried-urine aficionado…..

…..she could quickly discern the distinction between aged-urine and fresh-pee…..

Apparently there’s a difference in the “depth” & “character” of the glowing iridescence from the old versus the new…..

All in all………….it was a bountiful (and sadly depressing) experience…..

BUT………….Here’s Something Interesting…..

I couldn’t see ANY of the glowing urine…not one splotch…not one at all(?)…..

…..I found it extra depressing…knowing I would be judged by something I couldn’t see…..

….there was only one small/iridescent/orange-glowing flake of “something” that we both saw…but we haven’t been able to identify yet(?)…..

But I saw no glowing green-pee…..Zero/Zip/Nada…..

…..and it made me sad…..

…..(not seeing glowing pee made me sad?)…(like I’ve said before…I’ve need to sort out my priorities)…..

But Why Didn’t The Black Light Work For Me?…?…?…..

….so I did a little “YaHoo’ing”…..

***(Some People See Fluorescence Better Post-Cataract Surgery?)***

***(But I Want To See The Pretty Lights!)***

………….And Lo and Behold………….

I have been rendered unable to see cat pee (or for that matter most black light illuminated colors)…..

…..because of bilateral lens removal during my cataract surgeries…..

…..some people see more colors afterwards…..

……I can’t see squat now at the edges of the color spectrum…..


~~~I Live For The Edges Of The Color Spectrum~~~(she says with a tear in her unseeing eye)…..


…..(and all this new knowledge & awareness came about because we were looking for clandestine cat pee)…..







#urinecrystals #cataractsurgery #cataractlensremoval #yahoo #incontinence

#rainbow #prism #blacklight #catpee #dogpee #florescentlight #colorspectrum #urine

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