~~~Big Bad Finley~~~

~~~Big Bad Finley~~~


The Dude Abides…..

…..(that last line won’t make any sense to those of you who haven’t seen the movie, “The Big Lebowski”)…..

*****”The Big Lebowski”*****

…..(I’ve seen the movie and it still doesn’t make any sense)…..

But in this situation…..the Dude…..is Finley…..

(I hope he grows into his mule-ears…)

…..and he abides…..

…..and he’s still a booger…..

…..and he’s growing by leaps and bounds…..

Claire is loosing her patience with him…..

…..he banks off of her…..

…..he bites her…..

…..he kicks her…..

…..he is ALWAYS messing with her…..

AND…..FINALLY…..Claire has begun to discipline him…..

I don’t have any pictures of it………….but the other day…..

Finley…..(still sporting his less-than-pristine clip-job)…

Claire kicked her son and it looked like something right out of the Looney Tunes Cartoons…..!…..

…..it was GREAT…..!…..

Finley was being an ass…..

…..he was whirling…..and kicking…..

…..and whirling…..and kicking…..his Mother…..repeatedly…..

Claire slowly…..deliberately…..lifted her hind hoof…..

…..she waited for the perfect timing…..

…..and on one of her son’s revolutions…..

…..she winged off a picture-perfect kick that hit him broad-side…..

…..flat on his rib cage…..with the best sounding thwack!…..

…..(it was wonderful!)…..

…..Finley flew…..

…..the Dude…..was so startled!…..

…..he stayed down for awhile…..(not because of physical necessity)…..

…..(but because he was surprised that his Mother had actually disciplined him!)…..


…………………DOUBLE HA!…………………

Claire could have easily used all of her leg’s trajectory and really walloped him…..

…..(remember Ralph Kramden in “The Honeymooners”?)…..

….. “To The Moon, Alice!”…..

…..(it was one of those situations)…..

~~~The Honeymooners~~~

…..and it was GREAT…..!…..

I’m sure it will take a few more Ka-Wallops for the Dude to work out just what manners actually are all about and when to apply them…..

…..but in the meantime…..

…..I was so glad to see Claire getting assertive with her wild-child-son…..

…..and putting her hoof down…..(with him underneath it)…..

Finley….My Older Daughter…..(and my thumb)…






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