~Beet Pulp (a hidden treasure)~

~Beet Pulp (a hidden treasure)~

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When I was young…I’d never heard about feeding dried (and then re-hydrated) beet pulp to horses…..

…..maybe it’s a newer revelation that’s come about during my lifetime…..

…not Phineas (my first equine mount)…but he looks a lot like him…

…..or maybe it’s because my childhood (with donkeys) was spent in Ohio…and beet pulp wasn’t available in northern states?…..

…..I don’t know…I remember hot bran mashes being a big thing…..

I do know that I only became aware of the uses for soaked beet pulp once we moved to Florida and I got Annie (my first Percheron) down here in the south…..

Beet Pulp…while I would guess it’s a by-product of the sugar beet industry…(honestly I really don’t know)…it’s more important than what you might think…..

…..you can get it from your friendly/neighborhood feed store with or without molasses dribbled on it…..

Sugar Beet

…..(I avoid the added molasses…it just attracts more flies…and my big girls like it any way they can get it)…..

…..(Beet Pulp Info)…..

…(what was I focusing on in this picture?…the mares?…the hitching post?…what?…nothing’s centered)…?

Huh…I just read the above article…there’s quite a sugar beet crop up north…I had thought it was a southern crop…then why wasn’t it available in Ohio back in the 1960’s?


It’s been an important feed for us with the horses and dairy goats…I’ve even seen the chickens clean up the ground-dribbles under the slobbering horses…..

…beet pulp slobbers…

The horses always make it look so tasty…they really like it…and yes…I’ve tried it…..

…..my suggestion is…don’t bother…it’s insipid and chewy and virtually tasteless…all the good stuff has been taken out and it’s already in our sugar jars…..

Years ago…some of my goat friends recommended adding dried beet pulp into the dairy goat’s feed to boost their milk production…it really does work…..

A sugar beet…

Where horses are concerned…I was always told to soak the dried pulp in water until it was fully re-hydrated…otherwise a horse could choke on the dried stuff…..

…..horses have such a sensitive/delicately-balanced digestive tract…..

Brave  &  the goats…(and Hurricane Ian flooding)…

Goats…not so much…their multiple stomachs can handle dried beet pulp shreds without any issues…..

…..(***More Beet Pulp Info***)…..

Beet Pulp Slobber-Chops…

…..but I just read the above article…apparently soaking beet pulp for horses isn’t absolutely necessary either?…..

I think I’ll keep to my old habits and continue soaking the stuff…I’m a dinosaur…why change now?…..

*****(A Brief History on Beet Pulp)*****







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