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Did you know that Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox?…..

Say that five-times-fast…..while you jump on one foot…..and recite the alphabet backwards…..

We just had the Pink Moon on Saturday…..which was the first full moon after the Spring Equinox…..

…..so that meant that the very next day (yesterday) was Easter Sunday…..

…..with all of the sucrose…..and chocolate…..and marshmallow peeps…..and chocolate…..and jellybeans…..

…..and chocolate………….there was BEEF…..

I know a lot of people traditionally have lamb and/or ham for Easter dinner…..

…..but when our local Winn-Dixie puts a sale on Rib-Eye roasts…..well there’s really no choice after that…..

…..it’s all about the BEEF…..

To qualify for the sale price I had to buy a minimum of $25.00 of other groceries first…..

…..well that was easy…..

…..I had that in marshmallow peeps alone…..

…..after that I qualified for my choice of massive roasts…..

…..well-marbled…..bone in…..heavy/huge roasts of BEEF…..


We were only allowed one roast per customer…..(but that’s never limited us before)…..

…..I bet you know the routine…..

…..separate shopping carts…..more marshmallow chicks…..Little Debbie cakes…..a jug of cheap wine…..

…..and…..Bob’s Your Uncle…..

Uncle Bob

…..then there’s the shuffled debit card at the checkout with a lateral pass to the second shopping cart…..

…..and Voila!…..a second procured On-Sale/Purchased Rib-Eye roast…..(I don’t know the difference between a Rib-Eye and a Prime Rib roast…..and I don’t care)…..

…..go on…..ask me if I feel guilty about bastardizing the one-roast-limit per customer…..

…..FYI…..(I don’t)…..






#ribeyesteak #WinnDixie #pinkmoon #fullmoon #springequinox #eastersunday #beef

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