Battle For The Garage

Battle For The Garage


The squirrels have chatted with the rats…

The rats have agreed to join rodent forces…



They’ve convened and had some sort of conclave…



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Battle Is On!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The squirrels told the rats which feed bags were the best (and most expensive) to eat.

I think they got together and made a rat/squirrel pyramid and at each level they ate a hole through the feed bags in the stack on every pallet.



They prefer the high fat Manna Pro 10% (with molasses).


I thought I’d won the last battle against the Disney rats by sealing up the gap under the side garage door.

Garage Door “Squirrel-Proofing”


I drilled and bolted a metal grid to the bottom of the door.

I had thought that stopped the squirrel’s easy entrance.


Apparently not…………….because the last feed bag I emptied into the horse’s feed bin looked like cheesecloth.


After dark when I would go out into the garage, it wasn’t hard to miss the fact that I wasn’t alone.



There were multiple scramblings.

“Things” would scurry into the corners and dark recesses……………

Big “things” and little “things”…

They all had long tales.

We so need barn cats…

I had the biggest rat I have ever seen run smack-dab into my leg when it sprinted from under one workbench with the intent on making it across the garage and under the other workbench.


That was weird…

I was glad I had on tall Wellies…

Rats should be heard but not seen…


I have baited with rat poison in homemade little safety tubs that I have put right next to the stacks of feed bags…………..


But they don’t want that……………smart rats…

I’ve chucked portions of the “Just One Bite” up and into the two attic accesses that are in the garage ceiling.

Apparently these are hybrid-equine-rats…

They only want top-end horse feed.



I so need barn cats…



I hate using rat poison……………even the “safe” kind (is there a “safe” kind?)…


I’d rather have a pride of feral felines pounce on and devour them…



The rats need to go……………






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