~Bad Choice Chicken~

~Bad Choice Chicken~

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We have a coop…..

We have nesting boxes…..

We have a secure door that closes and keeps the chickens safe at night in their coop…..

…..and this is a hen’s idea of a good safe/secure place to start a family…..

…..in a plant pot… that anyone can (and does) walk past…where anyone can easily pick up a chicken dinner…..

…..just like in a restaurant buffet line…..

I think she’s the same hen who (last year) chose the (inconspicuous?) base of a tree…to try the same thing…..

…..this goes on for weeks…until she gives up…(in the best case scenario)…..

…I can see her…you can see her…she’s not hidden at all…what kind of chicken-logic is this?…

I have picked her up at night and put her back in the coop…and in the morning…she’s right back at it again…..

Last year this hen would occasionally lay an egg…which I would take…to encourage her to leave the nest…..

…..this year…this stupid hen has just been sitting there 24/7 with no eggs(?)…..

I don’t get it…..

This time…she chose the Persian Lime tree (of Cosmopolitan cocktail-fame)…..

…..she was there to greet anyone coming up the sidewalk to the front door…..



She’s too cool for school…like no one can see her…or maybe she thinks she has a cloak of invisibility(?)…..

All I know is………….she’s lucky…..

…..and has made it another year…with her bad choices…..

Chickens are not the smartest of birds…tiny little heads…tiny little brains…maybe that’s why they lay over twenty eggs in a clutch to hatch?…..

…..maybe 20+ eggs are a good shot at replacement potential(?)…because their wee brains don’t give them much of a chance at their own longevity…..

I don’t question Mother Nature…but I do question the logic of laying hens…..

I mean…when you can take her eggs away and she still keeps sitting on an empty nest(?)…..

…..I think it’s safe to create the hypothesis………….Chickens Ain’t Real Smart…..

She’s lucky…she’s very lucky…but she ain’t real smart…..

She takes the wording “free-range” to the extreme…..

…(she’s in there)…

But they do produce good tasting eggs…we like them…the crows like them…..

…(and yes…the crows continue to throw empty shells at me)…

…..silly chickens…no far-sighted forethought…they can choose the worst places to nest and roost…..

…(nesting on the generator)…
…(nesting in the wagonette)…
…(perfect swoop-pattern for a snack for a nocturnal owl)…
…(not one of the lucky one)…






#cacklehatchery #redwyandottechicken #mailorderchicks

#cloakofinvisibility #freerangeeggs #harrypotter #plasteregg #strombergshatchery #murraymcmurray

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