*B. J. To The Rescue*

*B. J. To The Rescue*

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

It seems like we’ve know B.J. forever…..

I think we met during one of our first Florida State Fair Dairy Goat shows…..

…..then the Florida State Fair Poultry shows…..

Recently he came to our rescue with letting us borrow his slant-load trailer…..

His Trailer


We had more pigs to take to the auction…..

…..(btw—–pigs and rabbits…..reproduce easily)…..

My older daughter and I are trying to aggressively and proactively get the majority of our pigs…..GONE…..!…..

And with borrowing B.J.’s trailer…we are able to get more to the auction and maneuver in and around their small drop-off chutes…..

Our Trailer

…..(our bowling alley of a horse trailer would be impossible to get in & get out without getting mired in and hung up)…..

Older Daughter

The “only” thing left for my daughter and me to do…..was to hammer in T-posts…drag in multiple 16′ welded metal panels…attach the panels to the posts…cut down the sty fencing…..

…..and then…..

…..”just” trot the five big hogs down the newly-made chute into the awaiting/baited trailer…..

…..and Bob’s Your Uncle…..(?)…..(frigging Uncle Bob!)…..

Sounds simple doesn’t it…..?…..

…..for other people…..maybe…..

…..for us it wasn’t…..(it never is)…..

It was in brutal +90F degree temperature…..

There was 327% air-humidity…..and NO oxygen to breath…..

Patrice & Me Crashing In The Chute…(FYI…I’m Sitting In Mud/I Don’t Care)…

…..it was beyond miserable…..

The hogs did NOT cooperate AT ALL…..

We tried a trail of food into the trailer…..Nope…..

We tried a pile of food in the trailer…..Nope…..

We tried using plywood-riot shields to herd them into the tailer…..Nope…..

…..the only sow in the bunch charged me and got past my plywood…..

…..a small boar followed her…..

We resorted to “Plan D”…..

…..my daughter sat in the trailer and started singing to them…..

…..(she has a good voice)…..

…..plus she hand-fed them eggs as they stepped in…..messy but successful…..

All four of the boys were in the trailer…..being serenaded while noshing…..

…..the sow was behind me with her bristles up…..having NONE of it…..

…..as nonchalantly as possible…..I slowly meandered up to the trailer and slammed the door shut…..

…..the one small boar squeaked out…..

…..but the three big boys were in there…..along with my daughter…..

…..who had safely scaled the slant-load divider and was perched above them…..

I came around to the side door as fast as I could waddle…..

and let her out the emergency side-door…..


…..(to be continued)…..








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