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Is that a tiny wisp of autumn in the air?

Oh, pleeeaaassseee…..!…..

It’s been such a looooong…..looooong… summer…..

I’m ready for it to end…..

I’ve been ready for it to end for quite awhile now…..

Cooler weather is over-due…..

…..(I say this every year)…..

I’m keeping an eye on the Atlantic Ocean…..I survey the Gulf of Mexico daily…..

Florida dodged the bullet with Hurricane Ida…..

*****Hurricane Ida*****

…..she slipped by us to the west…..

…..but she slammed into the people of Louisiana instead…..

… heart goes out to them…..

There’s currently a “something” down & around the Yucatan Peninsula…..

…..I think it’s called “Invest 91L” (for the time being)…..

Invest 91L Computer Models View

Invest 91L Computer Models

…..(I don’t like the eastward spaghetti track)…..

BUT………….I think………….the other morning………….for the briefest of moments…..

………………………..there was a poof of cool-ish air………………………..

…………………………….it was wonderful……………………………..

…………………………….I can live in hope…………………………….

But In The Meantime…..

I’m eagerly awaiting this year’s hurricane season to end…..

…..(but at present…..we’re smack-dab in the middle of it)…..

I’m imagining nano-seconds of cool-ish zephyrs…..while compulsively being riveted to any weather-radar screen I can find…..

…..I swear I only missed a couple weather reports…..and suddenly…..

…..there was Ida as a Hurricane Four…fully formed and barreling northward in the Gulf…..

It goes to show…..where Mother Nature is concerned…..if you snooze you loose…..

…..(btw—–today the projected high for us was 101F)…..





#floridasummer, #hurricaneseason,

#hurricane, #hurricaneida, #spaghettimodel, #autumn, #louisiana, #florida

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