***Auto-Correct—Friend or Nemesis***

***Auto-Correct—Friend or Nemesis***

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AutoCorrect might be helpful…..

…..I suppose it might be…from time to time…in small doses…..

I’m sure it was developed & programmed by caring people to help others write with ease and efficiency…and it should be looked at as an aide to the written prose…..

But I personally think is was seined out of the dark corners of Hell…..

Quite often…it can…(and does)…step up and save me at very opportune times…..

But…I also hate it…with virulence (not vigilance you stupid AutoCorrect) & vitriol (not victory you stupidness)(!)…..

It’s judgy and insistent…(it’s so very insistent)…..

And…it has No creativity…..

…..plus…it’s not intuitive at all…..

AutoCorrect haunts me…not just while I’m trying to write this blog-thing…but also while I’m texting or emailing friends…..

AutoCorrect is everywhere…..

Point in fact…a little while ago…..

I was trying to text Mary Constance…..

I tried to text something benign and informative:

~~~~~”It Might Rain This Afternoon”~~~~~

I index-finger-poked in my message…(I’m old and my thumbs are arthritic)…..

And AutoCorrect stepped in…and decided what I really wanted to say was…..

~~~~~I Might Drink This Afternoon~~~~~

In what world is that anything close to what I was trying to convey(?)…..

I suppose that the “r” key and the “d” are on the left-side of the keyboard…and close-ish to each other…..


Now…day drinking is not a bad idea…I have nothing against it…..

…..pitchers of margaritas…ice teas with a United State attached to it…(of course…along with a healthy Cobb salad)…..

I can only applaud those kinds of lunches…..

…..or having a mediocre bourbon & coke…while sitting and watching that aforementioned afternoon rain front move through(?)…..

…..that could’ve been a good suggestion…..

…..perhaps even a great suggestion…..

But it wasn’t anything close to what I was intending to text(!?!)…..

Actually in retrospect…..

That could have been one of the few times I’ve witnessed AutoCorrect’s original thinking(?)…..

Could AutoCorrect be becoming more of a sentient being(?)…..

…..I’ll have to sit down this afternoon and discuss all of this with Jim…..




#jimbeam #cincinnnatiohio


#querty #dell #macbook #lenova #officedepot #staplesstore

#jimbeam #makersmark #oldcrow #cocacola #pepsi #autocorrect #sentienttechnology #ai

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