***Astrological Week***

***Astrological Week***

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Apparently along with the longest day of the year and the Summer Solstice…..

…..there’s a unique alignment of five planets in a row this week (somewhere up there in the skies)-(today—to be specific)…..

It’s the Moon, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter…..(five?)…..

…..I think…..

…..let me go check…..

~~~Five Planets…(and the Moon)~~~

Well…that’s six now…isn’t it?…..

…..(I guess they don’t count the Moon)…..

I’m sure I’ll slather myself with DEET and see what I can see after the sun goes down…..

…..the hungry summer/nocturnal creepy/crawlies are out in swarms and droves…..

…..but we have trees and woods on all four sides of our property so our viewing capabilities are really limited to what’s directly above us…..

…..we have a telescope somewhere…..(which I will need to find…then vacuum…and dust…and Windex)…..

Apparently this five planet phenomena (plus the Moon) will happen again in 2040…..

…..maybe I’ll have located the telescope by that time…..

…..all in all…this has been a big week for the spinnings of the Universe…..

I wonder what’s next…..

*****Cool Stuff In The Skies*****





#astronomy #astrological

#windex #summersolstice #stonehenge #planetaryalignment #deet #moon #mars #saturn #jupiter #venus #mercury

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