~~~ASMR ‘R US~~~

~~~ASMR ‘R US~~~

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My older daughter has introduced me to the World of ASMR…..

…..I’ve known about subliminal recordings…..and chakra music…..and body resonance frequencies…..and guided imagery…..and of course…..hemispheric synchronization…..

But there are whole new horizons out there with ASMR videos…..

***ASMR Defined***

…..and they work…..especially with fractious puppies…..


The Irish Wolfhound babies are growing and getting their teeth and probably constantly have sore mouths and growing pains…..

…..they loose their tempers with each other…..or just gnaw on one another because they have nothing better to do…..

Meg & March

They’ve learned how to growl and howl and produce your more basic cacophony…..

…..All The Time…..

But with the help of a television channel for fringe relaxation techniques…..we’ve learned how to keep the puppies calm/quiet/& maybe just a little mesmerized and zoned-out…..

They like the train ASMR videos the most…..specifically the Hogwart’s Express…..

***ASMR Weekly Channels***

Our days are spent clacking and rocking down those sedating railroad tracks…..

…..there’s a ten hour train & rain video!!!…..

***Ten Hour ASMR Video***

…..(I save that one for over-night viewing)…..

The poopers can be wailing away one minute…..and with a flip of the TV remote…..

…..we’re just rockin’ away down the tracks to La-La-Land…..

***The Orient Express***

It does have the residual side-effect of making me less than productive…..

…..I’m collateral damage…..

…..from time to time…..I’ve caught myself staring into an unfocused/middle-distance with some drool dribbling down my chin…..

…..but that’s okay…..especially if it continues to keep the little yapper-crappers calm and quiet…..






#hogwarts #hogwartsexpress #bubbles

#irishwolfhounds #puppies #asmr #chakra #subliminalrecordings #bodyresonance #orientexpress

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