Art Takes Many Forms

Art Takes Many Forms

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Art is in the eye of the beholder…..

As my daughters were growing up…I encouraged them to be creative…..

I homeschooled my older daughter when the public school system was limiting the level of books she wanted to read…..

She was a voracious reader…she was reading way above her grade-level…..

And…she wanted to read “Secret Garden” and “White Fang” long before the “appropriate” grade level…..

I figured she shouldn’t be inhibited…..

… I started homeschooling…..

My daughter recently reminded me…that one of my “classes” was for her to develop her own artwork in the medium & style of the artist she was studying…..

…..Monet…Picasso…Degas………….what little girl doesn’t want to paint ballerinas?…..

I thought my contrived class was pretty cool…(I wish my teachers had offered something like that)…..

I wanted to homeschool both my girls…but my younger daughter needed more specialized teaching than I could offer…..

… off my youngest went to the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind in St. Augustine, Florida…..

Sending her off for an entire week at a time was really hard…but I believe she benefited greatly from FSDB…..

…..It’s a Great School…..

…(don’t look at the dust)…

So while my older daughter was flicking paint flecks all over the canvas (a la Monet)…my younger daughter was making some tremendously unique (yet serviceable) clay-creations at FSDB…..

Handy Feather Holder…

I just discovered a multi-colored/decorated paper towel tube hanging happily in a corner from when my older daughter was four…..

… the title says…Art Takes Many Forms…..

I have hanging grapevines painted in stars and clouds…..

…..cypress knees painted like prima ballerinas…..

…..clay-oddities that leave you scratching your head…and mobiles made from discarded cutlery……

I don’t ask questions…I just display them…..

My older daughter has gravitated towards oils and acrylics these days…my younger daughter and I are soon going to launch into a candle making project…..

Some people see things discarded at a dump…as garbage…..

…..we see it as potential art…(after they’re hosed down thoroughly and run through a bleach wash)…..

…..(rinse…lather…and repeat)…..






#secretgarden #clorox #eragon #christopherpaolini #saintaugustine #callofthewild

#fsdb #floridaschoolforthedeafandblind #monet #degas #picasso #bulkapothecary #whitefang

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