~~~April Fools~~~

~~~April Fools~~~

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It’s a good Holiday…..

***Just Where Did It All Begin?***

I think it’s under-advertised…..under-marketed…..and under-rated…..

You should be mature and responsible on this day-of-pranks…..

I think the best “got-cha’s” are the ones where the perpetrator has put thought and effort into and planned out the minute nuances…..

~~~~~Other Ideas Of Where It All Started?~~~~~

…..but don’t ever underestimate the value of a good/old-fashioned pie in the face…..

…..(forever & always a classic)…..

Until recently…..I didn’t know there were instructional videos and suggestions on-line for those who want to expand their repertoire of April Fools jokes…..

~~~~~Here’s Another Historic Twist To The Day?~~~~~

…(the ever-popular water-balloons)…

…..I don’t feel I need to be personally responsible for the originality or one-off creativity of a joke…..

…..I’ll copy anyone…..

Ice Cream

…..a good plagiarized-prank is just as good the second or third time around…..

For those of you who want to peruse the internet for some potential ideas…..

Here goes…..

***Some Of These Look Like A Lot Of Work***

***More April Fools Ideas***

***Prank The Kids Too***

***Past April Fools Advertisements***

***Past Oldies But Goldies***

***Big Businesses Joke Around Too***

…Enjoy The Day!…






#pranks #jokes #aprilfools #pieinface

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