Apparently, I’m A Blog-A-Rista Failure

Apparently, I’m A Blog-A-Rista Failure


Did you know?       There is a grading system that I get for every post I post…

I didn’t ask to be graded.

And, I certainly don’t understand the grading system…

I don’t use no rubrics.

But apparently——————-I don’t have passing grades for my blogging…


Such sadness…

(Now ask me if I care……………………heh, heh…)

I get graded by some voluntary, arbitrary algorithm out there in the matrix world of dripping numbers…

Yes, I do…

And I usually don’t get passing marks…

Sigh……………………………….(still don’t care…)

Here are some of the things I don’t have……….and/or don’t do……….(all of which I don’t understand)…

***I don’t have/don’t do/or don’t use meta-data descriptions properly———(that’s a good thing, I think———I was fairly sure I had already taken care of that with the last series of antibiotics).

***I have no focus keywords for this or any of my pages———(well, that’s a given………..I have no focus).

***I have no outbound links———well———no, I guess I don’t………………but now I’m not sure…

***And apparently I have no inbound links either———(well now, that’s a no-brainer…………….at least I’m discriminating equally in terms of outbound and inbound links……………never liked either of the little buggers).

***Aaaaannnnddddd———I don’t use enough images———or appropriate “alt attributes” or appropriate captions……………(so, in protest I’m not using any images on this post———captioned or otherwise)…

***Also my SEO titles are always too short……….(even when they’re not—–whatever that means)………….(?)……………and my titles don’t have any “compelling call-to-action copy”……….(?)…(?)…(?)….wwwhhhhhaaaaattttttt…?

………personally, I think this arbitrary, non-requested grading system is a bit judgie………..

***Here’s something I’ve got passing grades on———word volume…!

Not surprising, huh?

And I’ve saved the best for last………………

***Apparently, my posted pages have “slugs”……………….

…………….I am truly ashamed to say……………….

…………….they ALL have “slugs”…

Plus they all have “slugs” with “stop words”…………

……….they do apparently………..

I am supposed to “consider removing them”…

………….well, who wouldn’t?…………

They ARE slugs after all…


I’ve spoken to Pascal (my friend in that “Cloud” thing)…

We think grading is for a scoring system that we don’t believe in.

We are here to cathartically belch out words of our liking…………..

………….slugs and all…

(Pascal, I Couldn’t Resist Using One Image With Inappropriate Alt-Attributes)

So there………….

Take that!…………you judgie-blog-grading-system-thingie……………..





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