Apologies to Dr. Atkins

Apologies to Dr. Atkins


With Thanksgiving dinner being a very recent memory……..

The leftovers are still overwhelming all of the refrigerators.

However, I do have to make my apologies to Dr. Atkins…………

……………I cheated on my diet.



No, say it isn’t so!………..




Yep, I shot my diet out the window and slammed the window shut behind it…………….whoosh…


…………with no regrets.


well, maybe just a little………….(but not much).



However, I do have a chronic stomach ache.

I’ve behaved with a healthy diet for so long………………the general balance and homeostasis of every cell in my body is screaming for normalcy.





I’m actually craving salads again………..(shhhhh, don’t tell anybody).

(………..let’s not spread that around though……….it just sounds too weird even as I re-read this!)

What’s wrong with me……………there are still scores of scones to be eaten, pumpkin pies to be scarfed…………lard,  refined sugars, saturated fats galore!

I just need to toughen up and rise to the occasion.

And I shall…


I can’t start dieting just yet………..

There are too many demanding left-overs with my name on it.


Plus, I’ve promised a birthday dessert Irish soda bread to a friend today……………and…………..if I use the cast iron pan to make the soda bread for her…………..then I might just as well use it a second time for the family before cleaning it……………that means fresh cinnamon & sugar Irish soda bread is just a recipe away for my family’s enjoyment (and for me)-(heh,  heh,  heh…)-(slathered with unsalted butter………of course).



Dr. Atkins keep your thumbs in your ears and your eyes closed for just a little bit longer……………….there are still carbs calling to me.






I did roast an almost thirty pound turkey for the family for Thanksgiving………………………..so, there are more than enough non-carbohydrate left-overs for me for a long time to come……………..

I’m prepped to get back on track with a healthy diet routine……………..but……………

………………just not today.





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