Another Day At The Oasis

Another Day At The Oasis

So much to do…

I know I have to have A.D.D…

Because, I need multiple projects spinning in the air on sticks…..all at the same time…

Actually, I think my A.D.D. is my way of compensating for a bad memory and recall…

I figure, if I start a project…..then I can’t forget it…..because I see the visual… the spinning plate dropping on my head…..or me tripping over my project parts that are strewn on the floor/or in the microwave/or on my bed…..


Clear as mud…….huh!?!

It works for me…..but that disorganized approach frustrates the living day lights out of the rest of my family…..and makes for an eclectic (albeit/cluttered) household…

I won’t even list the projects I’ve got on the fire…..or waiting in the wings…

Here are some I need to start…..maybe I’ll start them today…

***************************a vegetable garden***************************

…..okay it’s probably a little late in Florida’s summer growing season…….

…..but the front pasture by the rode (where we don’t let the horses graze anymore) would be ideal for vegetables…’s had multiple decades of horses pooping on it…..that’s got to be good…..(?)

***(note to self:  call about renting a rototiller)***

…..I hate those hand-held ones—they jar your teeth out…

I already have a bunch of seeds I’ve been saving and drying…..the cats took the drying pole beans off the kitchen cabinet knobs…..I had to fish the seed pods out from under the kitchen table…..(irritating cats)…

There are a bunch more that I’ve frozen…

***************************Blow Leaves From The Roof***************************

Well that one we’ve already done…

I waited until my older daughter went rollerblading…..(because she would have thoroughly disapproved)…….

…, it was starting to rain…

I quickly dragged the ladder around, hauled the extension cord and blower up onto the roof, and got down to business…….

…..easy peasy…..

I got most of it done before she got back…..

…..then I got shamed into climbing down…..something about my age and artificial joints…….


I did wack off one of my earrings while I removed a small, fallen limb from the roof…….

… smacked me in the side of the head…….

…..I watched my silver hoop get blown over the eaves along with a wet glump of leaves…….

…..I liked those earrings…

I Looked Good In Those Earrings

***Next on the list of A.D.D. projects is to prune/hack/weed the round pen for Brave’s training…..and to cut the new chains the appropriate length for the shoeing stock…….

Brave & The Weeds & The Round Pen

…..oh and of course, to make a nutritious meal with multi-colored vegetables for my family…….

What Is She Doing?  Defrosting The Freezer?  I Don’t Know…..I Just Liked The Photo

(btw…..I still have a headache from that limb hitting me in the head…..ssshhhhhhhhhhh…..don’t tell anybody…..)





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