Another Day @ The Oasis

Another Day @ The Oasis


This morning, I discovered that the cats had thrown-up in the lint-catcher of the clothes dryer.

This might be a foreboding of what’s to come today.



Maybe I should go back to bed and just watch old movies, hidden under the safety of my duvet.


The serviceman for our clothes washer is coming out this next Tuesday.

There seems to be an inordinate amount of unnecessary clicks between washing stages……………………but, what’s most worrisome is the smell of burning rubber during the last wash cycles.

I’m quite sure that’s not supposed to happen.  There’s nothing rubber amongst our dirty clothes…………..

The cat’s throw-up was a fairly easy fix………………except for the gagging.  But that was because it was early morning and I had already unexpectedly stuck my fingers in it………………and it was cold & chunky.

You know, I have given this a lot of thought.

(obviously at times when I didn’t have anything better to think about).

And I’m not quite sure I’ve come to a conclusion yet……………..but, my thoughts go like this…


When you first get up in the morning, is it better to step in cold/old urine or warm/recent urine?………………………you can apply the same philosophical musings to poo too.

I haven’t really come up with a conclusion as yet…………..and I’m open to feedback.

So far, it’s more of an on-going internal debate.

………………….now, diarrhea…………………………..that’s in a category all it’s own.

This Is Actually Mud~~But You Get The Idea


Bare-footed/toe-squooshing………….I don’t think that could be better in any scenario……………warm or cold…

It’s all hurl-worthy.



Hair-balls don’t really seem to apply in this debate………..

…… wait…

I don’t like finding them after too much time has passed, because then they have had a chance to dry out and they’re harder to peel off the furniture………..and even harder to smooth out the varnish-rings that are left behind on the wood surfaces.

Haven’t I covered just about all of the potential evacuations possible from indoor pets?………….have I missed any?

If I did, they could probably be sub-categorized under the main headings already outlined above.


**********(Maybe…..just…..maybe……………the washer situation could have been augmented by the fact that I discovered that if I left a couple pennies in a wash load………..that sometimes they would come out flattened just like they’d been left on a railroad track………………)**********

I won’t think about that possible correlation for too very long………..but you should see what happens to Lincoln’s face………’s funny…

………….I just won’t think about that potential.

No I won’t…

I just re-read my post………..I should go back to bed.

(Pascal, don’t tell anyone what I may have done to the washing machine…)







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