***Another Blacksmith Visit***

***Another Blacksmith Visit***

We’re making headway…..

Yesterday our young blacksmith arrived bright and early…..

Addy…..Anja…..and Claire were on the agenda…..

Addy was good as gold…..just very, very heavy gold…..

…..she lifted up all of her hooves when asked…..

…..but working on her hooves and hefting her legs is a bit like “tossing the caber”…..

*****Scottish Sport*****

Not Actually “Tossing the Caber”…..But A Cool Photo And Another Scottish Muscle Sport

The adjective “diminutive” is not applicable to Addy…..

Nothing about her is petite…..

Montana (our farrier) DID discover that poor ole’ Addy very recently had blown some abscesses in her front hooves…..

…..three small ones…..to be exact…..

Two on the sole of her right hoof and one on her left…..

…..poor pony…..

Come to think of it…..she did the same thing at the same time of year last autumn…..

Everyone says it’s because of the rapid change of the weather at this time of year…..

…..from the rainy season to the suddenly dry season…..

…..actually Brave usually does the same thing…..but this year he didn’t…..?…..(phew)…..

Addy’s still a little ouchie on her front hooves…..

…..maybe there’s another abscess brewing…..

I’m stalling her at night to help to dry out her hooves…..

…..but really…..that wouldn’t help as much with an abscess (I don’t think)…..

…..it would help more with soft/sensitive soles…..

The Shoeing Stock

Then came Claire’s turn…..

Montana went to town on her disfigured toes with his angle grinder…..

And…..Claire behaved beautifully…..!!!…..

…..we didn’t need to drug and sedate her with Dormosidan…..

Come-Along In Use The Last Time Montana Was Here

…..we didn’t need to crank up her hooves using the Come-Along…..

We did use the shoeing stock…..

…..but Montana was able to adeptly use his cutting wheel to adequately shape Claire’s toes…..

………………………just maybe I’m being overly-optimistic………………………

A Chunk Of Claire’s Hoof Trimming…..(is it weird that I think it’s kind of pretty?)…

…..but I think we are making headway…..

Claire’s happy anyway…..

What Claire’s Hind Hoof Used To Look Like…..(pretty crappy, huh?)

Montana rounded out his visit with Anja’s hoof trim…..

Anja was a breath of fresh air after her behemoth sisters…..

…..trimming her hooves was almost an afterthought…..

So we’re good for now…..

Tools Of The Trade

…..for the next six weeks anyway…..





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