~~~Anja’s New Doo~~~

~~~Anja’s New Doo~~~

Not Anja

Norwegian Fjord Horses have specific coifs that are expected for their manes…..

There are patterns on the internet that you can download and copy…..

…..or you can just free-wheel it with a good pair of scissors…..


We are the free-wheeling-kind-of-family…..

…..but the first step in fixing Anja’s hairdo…..

…..was to take it all off…..

So while my younger daughter and I were treating Anja’s abscess…..

…..I shaved her too-long mane off completely…..

Norwegian Fjord horse people get real focused on their horse’s manes…..

………….we are no exception………….

But first…..we have to get that mop of hair under control…..

How had it gotten so bushy!?!


Anja wasn’t in a good mood to begin with because of all of the pushing and poking and probing and hosing…..

…..but she was going to end up without an abscess and well on her way to an appropriately styled mane…..

When her mane starts to grow back in the appropriate length…..

…..we can start to shape the designs into it…..

I’ll re-appropriate the kitchen shears along with some of my better darning scissors…..

…..(maybe I should spend more time on my housework?)…..


Fjord Mane Sculpting Is Like Topiary Work

…..(my dining room table looks like an Etch A Sketch of dust)…..

***Remember the Etch A Sketch?***

I think it’s important for my younger daughter’s horse to have a well-coifed mane…..

…..says the woman with unmatched socks…un-sorted laundry…and a sink full of dishes…..

…..(we all have our priorities)…..







Oh…and Happy St. Patricks  Day


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