And You Get Another Hospital Day…(Ala Oprah)

And You Get Another Hospital Day…(Ala Oprah)

Hi everyone, she’s still in the hospital.  No other clots were found, no doctors visited her over the weekend.  So we’re lacking info other than she had a pulmonary embolism (blood clots in her lungs).  However, it just doesn’t feel like they have a handle on it lately.  Which makes me nervous considering they have possession of my mother and also the resident-funny-girl-writer for this blog.  Is this where I should put in a Barbara Streisand joke?  I’ll put in a picture of some platelets instead because I’m the nerdy one and platelets are the star of the show currently.

So, here is where I’m going to fill everyone in on what the animals *cough* THE DOGS AND CATS have been up too since Mom’s not here and its a full moon and they sense somethings off.

I have no photo evidence of the cats and honestly they rule the night with their chaos.

No one is camera ready at night.  So, no photos of the livestock misbehaving.

Did I just jinx myself?

Now I feel like they’ll drop the tractor on me

Let’s be honest, most farms are one questionable fence line or one ovulating red mare away from total destruction.  Mary Constance’s daughter had a red mare that was a beast under saddle. And also a beast to Mary Constance.

So, I could have easily just jinxed myself by saying that the livestock are behaving but the dogs and cats aren’t.

Oh well.  Bring it on, Claire.

Claire (the resident red mare) plotting my demise.

ANYWAY, the dogs.

I needed to go out today and I had my shoes sitting by the front door ready to leave.  (Who wears heels earlier than they have too?)

I went to lock up the house…only to return to one SINGULAR shoe!

Shoe with conspicuous drool on it… 

Naturally it was Sabine.

I love her, but if anyone has my shoe…it’s that drooling-devious Wolfhound with her one brain-cell geared towards mayhem.


AHA, there it was.  Crisis averted.  I would like you to scroll up at this moment to notice the drool stain on my shoe.

Me…tired of their BS…

Onto the next episode…when Wolfhounds ganged up on this very tired daughter.

This is Wisp and Acacias who ran immediately to the old bee hive enclosure (to probably chase Mr. Dillo).  Wisp is a climber and very smart.  Wisp’s the one on top the old decking.

Acacias is a curious puppy.  Wisp is the cool older girl about to show him how to misbehave.  I’m tired of chaperoning.  This party’s over.

Everyone get in your limos and go harass Waffle House.

They aren’t even pretending to listen!

Keep in mind, my phones dying, this is the very back of the backyard. It’s a full moon (the Strawberry Moon) and every hound is checking out the space under the deck.

It’s a recipe for disaster.

I barely had any flash for the camera.  I knew that I’d need some proof to show Mom that the hounds were ganging up on me.

They’re really not normally THIS bad.

Acacias IS in this photo.

It’s dark out even with a full moon and Acacias is dark gray.  He is totally camouflaged at night.

I would like to request that he always wears fluorescent collars.

Did he come when I called him?  Nope.

I had to carry him back to the house.  Did the other girls come in then?

Yes, because it’s not as much fun when you can’t make the new expensive boy puppy go into the dark holes first.

They ALL need fluorescent collars.

Ironically, the ducks were all in a row…marching their butts into the coop at dusk.

So, my ducks WERE in a row.  My Wolfhounds however………….were not.

*********BUT…No Mr. Dillo’s were harmed in the making of this production***********

Mister Dillo 





5 thoughts on “And You Get Another Hospital Day…(Ala Oprah)

  1. Please give your Mom my love. Keep us posted on her improvements. She’s a great gal and will get better and better with age.

    1. It’s hard to make her behave. She’s not a good candidate for sitting still. We’ll keep you posted. This one came out of left field.

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