…..And They Went On Down the Road…..

…..And They Went On Down the Road…..

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

By that I mean…..the surplus roosters and rabbits…..

Roosters are great…..

I’m a big believer that every flock of chickens should have one…..

But too many roosters…..are not fun…..not fun at all…..

When I have an excess of roosters…..(which I always do)…..

…..I offer some to my various friends…..(who live in “Deed Restricted Communities”)…..

…..If they have neighbors who are giving them a hard time (with the slight-variant-hue that they’ve painted their mailbox post or their front door)…..

…..or if they have a “Home-Owner’s Association Officer” giving them a hard time (for said-hue)…..

Then…..I will willingly volunteer to do a drive-by…..

…..and pitch out a can full of chicken feed along with an extra rooster (or two)……onto their neighbor’s front lawn…..

FYI…..the birds won’t leave the scratch…..

…..they will stay on their new lawn…..

…..scratching away to their heart’s content on the beautifully edged & manicured sod…..

…..then the grumpy/control-freak neighborhood “Officer” will have a bigger problem…..than some silly-off-hued mailbox post…..

HA!………….(I know my humor is less-than-desireable)…..

…..(but it works for me)…..

But so far…..neither Simone nor Ester have taken me up on my offer…..

…..(keep it in mind, ladies)…..

…..(we’re here if you need us)………….

Therefore…..we are once again in the overly-populated-rooster-situation…..


…..they HAD to go down the road…..

…..along with four/over-aged/(undoubtedly-tough) rabbits…….

…..(by “Down The Road”…..I mean…..”to the butcher’s”)…..

…..the silver-lining (for me) is that there will be three-less crowing beaks in the morning…..at around 3:00AM)…..

…..that’s a plus…..again…..(for me)…..


…..I’ve found some good pressure-cooker recipes for tough rabbits…..

…..I’ll be trying the one listed below…..

…..our rabbits dressed out at five pounds each…..!…..

…..big/burly bunnies!…..

***Coniglio Alla Cacciatora***

…..(FYI…..we got $60.00 for three skinny roosters…..?)…..






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