*And Then There Was One*

*And Then There Was One*

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Eight weeks came and went so very fast…..

In the late/late hours of the night…at the beginning of the litter…when all your concentration is focused on if the stomach tube is in the right spot…..

Tube Feeding

…..and you’re so very…very…very…tired…..

…..and you think you’ll never sleep again…..

Then suddenly…they’re gone…to their new lives & homes…..

…..how did that happen?…..

Juniper—(now Evangeline)

…..how did it go by so fast?…..

My daughters and I have gotten to know all the puppies…inside and out…..

Aspen—(now Ri)

…..we’ve watched them open their eyes to the world….

…..we’ve seen their personalities blossom…..

Ivy—(as yet to be determined…her family needs to get to know her first)

…..we know who’s who even when they look identical to everyone else…..

And now only Holly is left…..

Holly—(as yet to be determined)

It’s funny…if I had kept one out of this litter…it would have been Holly…..

…..but we have eight adult Irish Wolfhounds (in the house)…and I want an off-spring from Willow’s last litter…..

Sooooo…my daughters told me I couldn’t keep Holly…..

We had a lot of previous owners (who have gotten puppies from us in the past)…who wanted another puppy…..

Frost—(now Chewbacca)

This last weekend they started going to their new homes…..

…..and now it’s so loudly/quiet in this house…it’s like a thrumming vacuum…..

Molly didn’t really seem to mind too much as her children left…but…I always cry…most people don’t see it…..

I time my tears…so do my daughters…..

I’m really happy they’ve all gone to people I’ve already met and know…..

Forrest—(now Meade)

…..it makes it so much easier knowing our puppies are in good hands…..

I love this breed…Irish Wolfhounds are wonderfully sensitive…empathetic…goofy…and non-intrusive…and at the same time…larger-than-life…..


Our original plan was to have a litter with Killian this spring…but Molly and Ben decided to sneak in some holiday fun…..

Now…we’re back on schedule and waiting for Killian…..

Cedar—(now Eiri)

I’ve been doing this for thirty years now…..

…..and it’s still the people-part of the equation that I have trouble with…..

Ben as a puppy







#iwca #akc #irishwolfhound #irishwolfhoundpuppies #tubefeeding #neonatepuppies #ri #chewbacca

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