And………….Their Adventure Begins

And………….Their Adventure Begins




The puppies are old enough now.

They have found their new homes…

One little boy is going out to Helena, Montana to a home who has had two of our Irish Wolfhounds in the past…………..they are good people……………..he’ll have a good home………..

The other little boy is going up to New York state.  He is also going to a family who has had one of our Wolfhounds before too.

The little girl will be remaining in Florida with one of my husband’s work colleagues…………….she will be close enough that I will be able to keep track of her in her new home and new life…



But I worry.

I worry a lot.

And over the years it hasn’t gotten any easier…….

…….not one little bit.



I love the breed.  I want to promote and help it.

…………….and, I want to keep all the puppies…

They exhaust you……………..I love them.

I guess because they are considered “sight hounds” it’s not surprising that they are always watching us as we move around the house.


Their sparkly, inky black eyes are so melting………….you just can’t help but love them.


We average about one litter a year………..some years we don’t have any at all.


They aren’t the sort of dog breed that you can just expect the Mom to whelp the litter all by herself and then continue to do the work of independently raising them until they are ready to leave between eight and ten weeks old.



Like I’ve said in the past, these hounds have a high intensity level of neediness.






Ultra sweet puppies, wonderful statuesque adults……………….and thoroughly incapable of independent survival as a breed.




I tell everyone who will listen:  ………………there’s a reason you don’t see Irish Wolfhounds on every street corner.


Other breeders say they have an easier time of raising litters and puppies…………………….but, after more than twenty-five years of breeding Irish Wolfhounds…………….

…………….honestly, I think they’re lying.

Willow As An Adolescent
Ben As A Puppy & A Teenage Killian In The Foreground








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