~And The Year Begins Again~

~And The Year Begins Again~

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Yesterday was the shortest day of the year…..

…..the Winter Solstice…..

It’s just about pitch black by 5:00pm every evening now…..

…(the Moon & Venus…and my thumb)…

Awhile ago we started this relaxed annual tradition of having a bonfire on the Winter Solstice…..

…..and we’ve had one ever since…kind of on-again…off-again…but semi-planned…nonetheless…..

It’s fun…it’s pleasant…it’s relaxing…..

The Infamous Big Purple Cups are involved…along with mediocre bourbon and cheap wine coolers…(good hang-over material)…..

…..junk food…S’mores…cookies…..

…..you know…a healthy meal…..

Weather-willing…lawn chairs are dragged out…..

…..a bonfire is lit…or attempted…even if it’s raining…..

…..(but I can do wonders with pine cones and candle wax dregs and fat wood)…..

*****(What’s This Fatwood Stuff?)*****

…..(have I mentioned that I’m fairly sure…I’m a lackadaisical pyromaniac?)…..

I’ve recently decided my wood stack needs to be re-cycled…the piled firewood has gotten pithy and too smoky for use in the house…..

So the end result is…there’s more than enough firewood to keep a bonfire going…(for days)…..

*****(Moon Phases)*****

The moon was about 70% full…and it wasn’t too chilly…(along with the help of the bonfire)…and it didn’t rain…..

*****(The Cold Moon)*****

It’s these kind of traditions that I enjoy the most…they just roll on…..

…(I love this photo…our bonfires are always…clothing optional)…

…..one or…two friends…or more…it doesn’t matter…it just happens…..

There aren’t superlative expectations placed on the event…it just occurs…with an ever-changing variety of friends…..

…..my long-time friend Tess usually attends…(maybe I should assign a Big Purple Cup with her name on it…just like Starbuck’s)…she’s a regular…..

Doctor Brigid’s a regular too…we just sit and chat…and watch the night sky…it’s a kick-back/relaxed kind of an evening…..


In past years we’ve had horses standing with us…appreciating the bonfire too…..

…..this year Anya was in her stall…..

…..she over-eats…if she spends all day and all night on a hay bale…plus she’d steal the Chex Mix…..

Rice Krispy Treats

She would’ve insisted on cookies and S’mores too…..

…..Anja’s a party animal…..

Chex Mix

Enjoy the small times and little things too…..




*****(my techie-older-daughter and I are still trying to figure out why Wednesday’s post wasn’t “click-able” for some people…no luck yet…WordPress you vex me so!)*****






#bonfire #pyromaniac #fatwood #moonphases #thecoldmoon #yule

#wintersolstice #lunarcycle #winterfestivals #solocups #smores #norwegianfjordhorse #wordpress

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