And Now…..The Croissant

And Now…..The Croissant

…..and for my next feat…..

…..I will attempt the flaky croissant…..

…’s not just any dough…..

…’s the flaky/wonderful/puffiness of that incredible European biscuit…..

…..the Croissant…..

~~~The History Of The Croissant~~~

… comes in regular…..cheesy…..and herbal…..

…..or my personal favorite…..


… see…..

…..I know this lady…..she’s a baker…..

…..she bought one of our Irish Wolfhound puppies last year…..

…..she owns her own bakery…..

…..and she said she’d teach me how to make flaked pastries…..

I’m going to take her up on that offer…..

I believe it’s good to have goals…..

… goal is to only eat good/tasty/artisan carbohydrates…..

…..(and to binge-eat everything else (when no one is looking)…like…Moon Pies and Little Debbie cakes…and well…everything else)…..

But back to that flaky/delicious pastry…..

…..and how to get that “flake-on”…..(?)…..

(It’s All About The Flake)
Cultured Sour Dough Bread

I’ve got an old sour-dough culture percolating in a little jar in the back of my fridge…..

…..(it’s very old)…..

…..(it’s got a name and it’s fed regularly)…..

…..(it might be dead)…..

I’ve been making my Grandmother’s  yeast bread recipe for decades…..

…..(it’s super-dee-dooper yummy and a great remembrance of Gramma’s baking skills)…..

Grandma’s Recipe…..the loaves aren’t pretty…..but they’re delicious…..

…..(I love all her hand-written recipe-alterations in the margins)…..


…’s hard to spell…..

…..but…’ll be fun learning…..

…..and eating…..

(…..pppsssttt…..this is not me…..I have more wrinkles AND chin-whiskers…..)






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